Everyone plays BGH or fastest map. I want to play some blizzmaps. Post your bnet name. Hit me up SuccaMC@USWEST.
I'd be game but I only get on b.net rarely now, I'm mostly playing on iCup because it is so hard to find non-BGH games on b.net. Though if you ever see me on east hit me up. crouse @ east
I totally agree bliz maps are the best....i am playing a lot of iccup but ill play any bliz map...(as long as its not min jacked) boringbub @ east
Looks like ill be getting on US EAST to play you guys. I have a few friends that play with me so we can get a decent game going.
Crouse, add me!!! Into.the.Storm on iCCup and Battle.net East. I agree, finding a GOOD match on B.net is very hard. All I seem to find are the "1v1 Blood Bath Noobs!" people who mine with maximum 9 workers, the "4v4 BGH GO GO PROS ONLY!!!" people who claim they're good, but in reality, can only play money maps, and the "3v3 Fastest Pros Only No Noobs" people who call using money maps that are painful to the eye and building massive armies macro and skill.