I have recently just got done playing Halo 3 for a year and have been in console gaming most of my gaming career. I now have swtiched over and becoming a Real Fan of Starcraft. So I want to start up a Team of SC gamers to practice with. I'm still a newb to the game, so I'm not looking for some hardcore SC gamer to tell me how newbish I am, just looking for some amateur SC players that might be in the same boat as I am and want some others players on/near the same level as they are. Anyways, if you're interested, I'm working on a website and have opened up the forums to start up a community. Go check out the forums as http://www.teamblitzkrieg.forumotion.com and it will have a preview of the website in the templates and let me know if you're interested. Thank You
Sorry, this is the only SC2 site for me. Also, the best way to learn, is to have someone that is a lot better then you teach you things. Like say Joneagle_X (admin), or Ych9, or possibly 10-Neon (moderator). If they aren't too busy. These were my teachers in the ways of the game.
Well I've been watching alot of replays from http://fighterreplays.com/starcraft/replays/ and been learning alot, don't really need someone to teach more; need more of players that want to join a group and dedicate time and practice with each and build a team.
Not a clan, not going to be competitive. Just looking for some amateur gamers who are looking for some buddies to play against on a amateur level, that's all. I disagree about the someone teaching you to get better. It may help, but probably not that much for he can only talk to me or show me just like what a video would do. I want to get some time in and start getting to know the game pretty well before I start asking some pros on what they would do to murder other players at their level, you know?
No, people who teach the game do watch, but it is usually done with them going head to head with you, and telling you what you done wrong, and then playing more games with you, till you get it right.