So... I have searched far and wide for a large scale map that can play up to 14 players melee. If there are any skilled map makers out there (which might be you reading this now!), I hope that one of you will take the task of creating such a map. If you do not want to spend your blood and sweat to make this map for someone else, that's fine and you may continue on your forum browsing. Map specifications Not a money map 1. player's starting bases are elevated with singular ramp down 1a. if you can manage a backdoor with destruc 2. 2 natural expansions for each player 3. 1 mutual high yield expansion for each 2 players 4. 1 middle high yield expansion for all players 5. 4 Xel'Naga Towers that reveal natural expansions Thanks in advance.
Space platforms. Hmmm. 14 players. 7 pairs to work with. Probably a large gap in between 4 pairs on the left and 3 pairs on the right. The 4 towers are gonna be hard to balance, especially for the pair right-center.
I have tried Epicenter (14) and Asteriod Field (16). EPicenter is a money map, which we didnt like, and Asteroid Field doesn't connect, so you need to use air all the time.
The Xel Naga towers aren't necessary. You could just have one in the center? We played 7v7, then 5v5v5 (we had one more join us). I mean... I have an idea on how the map should look like, but I got so frustrated with the editor I just closed my laptop and walked away to beat a printer with a baseball bat.
I have drawn up a draft of the map I'd like for someone to create:
It can be water, space, unpassable terrain. In that template I completely voided out Xel'naga towers.
Haha, yeah sorry. I have no internet access where I live currently (hella broke), I go to University to use their internet to play. A person named Unneta made an epic sized map and it is pretty cool. It is called Mar Sara Wasteland (7v7). I hope your map is turning out well! I can't wait to try it out.