Hey, im kinda new to Sc2Forums, so ill just post it here. Im looking for a Mentor, cuz im not that good at analyzing my games, and such. I've played Warcraft 3 FT Ladder games, where a got a good deal of experience, but id like someone to tell me what i should work on and how to do it better, I've been told im a quick learner couple times.. But now i dropped Warcraft 3, because i wanna try something new. If anyone out there can help me with such things, i would be grateful, im new in Sc2 so a little patience is a must Thnx for your time! -Jovel5
Practice, Practice, Practice. Read TeamLiquid Strategies, Watch Day9 Videos, Add Ingame Friends, etc. Takes time. Have any questions, ask here or the official forum. (As for finding someone who is going to hold your hand at your level, you're going to have to have a lot of patience waiting for someone to volunteer.)
TeamLiquid Strategies? i found day9 on Youtube, and watched a couple videos this might sound dumb, but i lose a game and just add him as friend >.< ????? i can't see anything there
no br0, its like, "make friends" thats kinda hard if everyone see's you as a noob right? anyway, im just gonna watch some day9 videos...
Once you start winning and getting the hang of it, after awhile you'll notice patterns, and what works and what doesn't work against different races. (If you were Terran I could give you a bit more advice.) At this point after a really good game when you were defeated by a smart opponent, add them as a friend, then you can practice together, help eachother out, discuss, etc. Lookup the 7 Roach Rush build and just practice that over and over again until you've mastered that build. Then add to it and practice different ones (like Mass Mutas).
Well Carnuss i really appreciate your help, i've been watching Day[9] Videos half day, and then trained what i learned, and i actually learned alot, but i dont know which races to play yet, i've tried em all, and right now? my favourite is Protoss, if you know anywhere i can get, just some few tips, for playing as Protoss... That would be great! - The Hotkeys is pretty confusing, but doing some AI actually helps!! im really getting the hang of the game now
You're welcome. I'm a low level player myself so my advice isn't the best but I hope it helps you. (feel free to add me as a friend if you want, my details are in my sig') Tip #1: Be constantly building Probes. For Protoss try a 3 Gateway 1 Robotics opening (research Warpgates asap), secure Expansion with Cannons, get about 4 Colossi w/ Thermo Lance, then move out. Tip #2: Upgrade your Armor and Weapons. Tip #3: It's better to build more unit producing stuctures than queing units.