Hello, everyone. =) First of all, here are my specs: 3.6GHz PIV HT 1.5GB DDR2 256MB GeForce 6600 Windows XP Professional SP3 Well, I know that this is a crappy computer. But, when every graphic setting is on lowest quality (that's how the game suggested, and I didn't try changing), the game runs perfectly after like 10 seconds since loading a mission. Oh, and I'm only playing single player. I have a prepaid internet connection that bills me on usage, so I just activated once and now playing via guest mode. Anyway, the problem is, the loading times are horrendous. The first time I load a mission, like 80% of the loading bar fills up within seconds, and the rest of it takes like two whole minutes. I thought okay, this is bearable, and went on playing. I was playing on Easy and Normal mainly, so didn't have to load in-game much earlier. But now around 17 missions in, (completed the Protoss ones) I'm facing several loads in-game, cause I usually load the last save when something goes wrong. Here's where the problem lies. Each loading process takes more than five whole minutes! Once my screensaver also came up, and that's set at 8 minutes. =S And then when it loads, it's extremely laggy for about 30 seconds, and I get a "Turning off other applications may improve performance" message and as soon as it pops up and I close it, the game's back to normal, and I can keep playing to the end. From that point on, every loading screen takes like five minutes. Even loading the Hyperion after a mission. =S So... help please, someone? I know my RAM is very low, but the game asks for 1GB only, and I have a lil bit more.
That's just the way it goes. I think it's because the game is loading all of the map triggers and such in the last bit of the loading process. The rest is probably just the map itself and the pre-places units. It was slow for me as well and for some reason the campaign lagged like a ***** as well. Was really annoying. -.-
You didn't even list what make and model your hard drive is. Post a dxdiag here. To run dxdiag=> Windows_logo_key+r, dxdiag. If you have 64-bit windows, click the button at the button that says "Run 64-bit DxDiag," Then save all the data by clicking "Save All Information..." zip/rar the text file and attach it to the post. Instructions on how to zip here. To create a rar file, first download and install winRAR then read this guide here. That report with give me your hard drive make and model. Perhaps a good defragging with Perfect Disk Pro will help, but on a computer that old, I think it might be a better idea to first check the hard drive to see if it is failing. After posting that report, I will link you to a set of tools to check the hard drives integrate.
Hey, thanks for trying to help, but I'm positive it's nothing to do with my PC. My five year old hard drive died four months ago, so I bought a new one. Plus, I've been playing much more system taxing games like Assassin's Creed II, and they haven't had load times even remotely close to this. Anyway, I suspected a memory leak, so I decided to run CleanMem. Set it to clear unused memory every twenty minutes, and here's the log for SC2.exe: View attachment cleanmem_log.txt (Uploaded instead of pasting the text. I think I couldn't post it cause of the log or something. Sorry. Help please, mods? I'm still rather unfamiliar with this. =/) This looks pretty much a memory leak to me. The thing is, I wanna know whether an official patch has fixed this, cause I haven't updated since the day I installed first. Even then, only updated cause it didn't let me play without updating.
Dude.. I'm telling you. Unless your comp is really good the load times for campaign will load slow. The campaign is laggy. For some reason it required a lot or RAM to run for some reason.
Yup, that's right, and that's because of the memory leak. Basically, the game doesn't clear up most of the RAM used by the previous mission when it loads a new one. So in computers with low RAM like mine, it causes unbearable load times when doing several missions in succession. What CleanMem does is clear up the RAM that's currently unused by the game.
look into ReadyBoost for low RAM setups http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tomarcher/archive/2006/04/14/576548.aspx http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tomarcher/archive/2006/06/02/615199.aspx