Well, this is a bird :> *kweh* -and this is a sad bird :< *wark* -and this is a dead bird x> -and this is the sarcastic/sleepy bird l> -and this is the omgbird 8> -and if it gets angry its the angrybird >:> *peck* -and then the gangstabird q> *yo* -the nerdbird B> -the devilbird }:> -and the oxbird 3:> *moo* -icecream 0> -le french bird :{> -bird in profile :4 -police shot of a dead bird in profile x4 -confused bird s> -bird with a hat <:> -prussian army bird -<:> -BIRD WITH A FUNNY HAT ;<:> -capitalist bird *boo* $> -holybird +:> - madnessbird +> -anime bird => -sexy chick *:> -unsure bird /> -nervous bird ':> -The bird's archenemy, the omgcroc :V *run bird, ruuuun* -the >.< bird k> SO YOU GEDDIT, BIRD IS THE WORD :>
Correction. A lolbird would have to be a picture of a bird with a caption that has terrible grammar, but still understandable enough to be funny and have something to do with said picture. These are bird emoticons. Also, Caturday came before icanhascheezburgers.