inspired by the UP zerg thread. try to think up a nice logical fallacy regarding starcraft ZERG ARE OP! A drone can mine minerals before turning into a hatchery, even more minerals than they spend on a hatchery. That's right, THE ZERG CAN EARN MONEY BY BUILDING HATCHERIES! This is ridiculously OP, as you can use the hatchery to make more drones, WHICH CAN ALSO EARN MONEY BY BUILDING HATCHERIES! Zerg are never without minerals if you play them right! That's why Zerg players have such ridiculous amounts of units! Srsly, I got attacked by liek 80 zerglings yesterday, while I only had 30 zealots and had an expansion more than him!
I don't understand yours. Ok, the protoss warp in structure right? If they build already b4 the warp-in, it means it takes 0 min/gas to build. If they build WHILE warping in, then why the long delay? how are resources sent so fast to the builders? Where do they build? Aiur was pwnd!
If the Protoss transports are any indication, the Protoss have figured out mass-energy conversion. Which is the penultimate technology. Like seriously, that's almost the end all of everything tech.
Nope. They dont use it for their buildings (i doubt they can do it for sumthin so complex anyways, since its new tech and can barely compress a colossus).
Dude, you're looking at it backwards. They can transfer organic matter (zealot, templar) into pure energy, and, not only can they change it back into the exact organic matter, the subject even retains its consciousness. If you're going to mass-energy convert, a building would be far easier, since there's no chemistry in it. If I wanted to change my mailbox into energy, I'd have to worry about carbon (the wood) and aluminum. For a human body, we'd need to worry about: That's elements. Add in various chemical systems, such as DNA and RNA, and BAM... Complex
logical fallacy =/= plothole Also, I assume the protoss kept some buildings either in permanent storage or they had facilities on other planets. And fenix, there is no indication that the protoss are able to create things from base matter, only store them by conversion into data.
@ Fenix Well maybe their buildings have much more complex elements (undiscovered ones). also, it would take a lot of energy to convert something of that size. Maybe those complex elements were so amazing incredibly complex and awesome that the very idea of it would blow your brain into the farthest reaches of space...or not.
or the buildings just come in whole through a warp hole, while a prism stores units inside the void. no matter-energy/energy-matter conversion necessary.
Lol, you guys are all being silly about the buildings. If you click on the Protoss research tank aboard the Hyperion throughout different stages if it getting larger, you learn that it uses energy to mass conversion to build stuff. So it's not warping in materials. It warps in energy from the rift from some other place (the void?) and the matrix thingy converts and arranges it as actual materials. Now for something ridiculously op: You can build nukes as terran and like, take out the enemy if you make nukes come down on every spot on the map simultaneously! It's soooooo op. Or something. I suck at trolling.
Dude. That makes for a bigger plothole. Id the toss really did that, then what stops them from putting a few cannons and legs on a gateway? and how the hell do biological units come in?
Thos are being teleported/transported. The buildings you see being constructed aren't materializing in the same way as units warping in. I don't really know what a robotics does, though. Warp in, or construct. It isn't being made very clear. :/