Well, I am new to the game, and thus far am playing with just the Terran. Figure, learn 1 faction, then branch out.. Trouble is, even though I consider myself pretty skilled at this sort of game, I have yet to survive the initial bum rush that inevitably comes from one of my enemies around 10 minutes into the game.. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong, and I am playing on easy.. Basically, I start by getting as much in the way of resources, and maxing out resource gatherers, then soon after, I build several supply depots followed by barraks, I build about 5-10 ground troups, an engineering bay to upgrade armor/weapons, and I start putting out 2-4 missile turretts depending on timing. I then upgrade barraks, and start building 4-5 better units, once all this is out on the field with fully upgraded armor weapons, the bum rush comes. I doubt we even take out a single one of the enemies units when they attack.. They just mow through our apparently meager force, destroys the missle turrets, and having absolutely no difficulty crushing my entire team. So, my question. What in the heck am I doing wrong. I have never had this kind of trouble before in a RTS game.. Any advice appreciated.. Is there a unit that I can push to build early on that will enable me to slaughter these fools when they come a calling. Getting tired of feeling the fool myself. Also, is there a way to initiate the pause key in this game, such that commands can be ticked off in pause mode when playing the computer. I find that this sort of evens out things, as the computer makes decisions at the drop of a hat, and it is impossible to do so on the human side without the pause key..
If I understand your post correctly, you only make one Barracks. You should have 3, or at least 2 Barracks for every mining base you have. As for your second post: no, that's not possible. Please don't make two posts in a row though, use the edit button at the bottom of your first post to add whatever you have to add.
So 2-3 Barracks and more units you think will make the difference. I tell you, I do not think I am killing a single one of their units when they come. Still, will give that a try. Thanks..
so you basically sit in your base, build 10 Marines get maximum uprades for those marines and do nothing else ? You have to act/react much faster. Basic stuff (always differ from player to player) you can max out worker (SCVs at the beginning), build a supply depot at the choke point, barracks at the choke point,(additional supply depot if necessary to block; send the work to scout affter blocking your chokepoint) get a refinery. Build 1-2 marines, build some SCVs, in mean time get teclab build marauders, get orbital upgarade for your command center (use mules) continue building SCVs one at a time but 2 per mineral patch 3 for each gas. Build 2nd and 3 3d racks continue pumping put marines and marauders if you want to go bionic. or just go on youtube, there are enough comentated replays and look how its done and copy the playstyle. http://www.youtube.com/user/HuskyStarcraft or look for HDStarcraft 's channel can be helpfull (although some flame HD and husky but I find them entertaining)
I see you spending too much time and minerals in upgrading and building unnecessary buildings in early game. First of all the point of turret is to defend off the air units that will inevitably harass you so if you're not sure if they are going for air units, SCOUT BEFORE HAND. Scouting in this game is very very very important as you get yourself ready to counter the units. Second, you seem to be wasting precious minerals upgrading. I'm not saying upgrading is useless, in fact it's very good to upgrade but not when you have only 5 or 8 marines. You need 2 workers on each mineral patches and 3 workers on gas. Instead of getting 2 to 4 turrets, scout with your orbital or with your SCV, other than that, 1 turret is fine. Start watching replays of highly skilled starcraft players as it really helps a lot. I suggest you go subscribe to crota as he has a lot of high level replays: http://www.youtube.com/user/BlizShouter
Wow. First of all keep playing Terran, IMO they are the easiest if you play a lot of other RTS's. I'm awful with the other races but sort of decent with Terran (top ten in silver), and I come from playing a lot of Command & Conquer and Warcraft but not much Starcarft 1 (I played BW a lot but was awful and only played custom games or went protoss mass dragoons lulz). Wait till you get your tenth SCV out, then build Supply Depot, Barracks, then Gas (3 SCVs on it when done), then another supply depot, then another barracks. More supply depots and then one more barracks for a total of three (you can do 1 reactor, 2 tech labs, or you can do 2 reactors, 1 tech lab). Engineering bay is important but its only super important that you get level 1 weapons early game. Get level 1 weapons, concussive shot, and combat shields (unless you are going really heavy mauraders and not many marines). You can get stimpack too if you want, its immensely useful (especially if you get medivacs), but in certain situations can get you in trouble and killed too quickly, if you don't want to worry about it then just don't. Make sure to wall in. You'll fend off early zealots/zerglings with one marine.
One of the most useful if not the best thing a Terran has is the ability to wall in. What it means to wall in is to block off the choke point using various buildings so you can easily block off the choke and attack with your marines. Since you can lower the supply depot and lift buildings, you can get out from the wall in. Although Sgt.Fluffy has some good points, it is essential for you to find a build order that works for you. Like I said before, upgrade isn't really needed until you are financially able to. What use is it when your upgrade limits your ability to create more units? Keep pumping out units, scout and keep the pressure on. Although Terran is very good at turtling, it may be wise sometimes to go aggressive to keep pressure.
yeah.. I have a lot to learn.. Got my rear kicked again about 3 times in the same fashion as before. So you are essentially building up supply depots at the choke pnts.. and placing marines behind them? My only thought with this before I try it, is what when they send their huge bumrush against me, they then destroy with relative ease, the bulk of my supply depots?
The point is to block the choke in the beginning. Use first supply depot to block some of the choke, than use the barracks to block off the rest. If it hasn't, use another supply depot or another building to do so. That's the basic blocking off and here's the replay on a game where a guy does a standard block: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqwtsgdjERw&playnext_from=TL&videos=YXpL2A9nUIc There are so many blocks you can do with other buildings but you may want to start practicing with that first. Like I said to many other new players, LOOK AT A LOT OF HIGH LEVEL REPLAYS. It helps you A LOT and you might get one or two tricks from watching it. And by trying to imitate the Pros, you get closer to preforming more like them. Watch and learn!! Also watch Crota's replay as he posts 2 or 3 per day and they are very high level replays.( http://www.youtube.com/user/BlizShouter ) PS: Add me iKnowMyABCs.tehabcs and I can help you with the basics when I have time.
Man.. I am just getting slaughtered on easy.. Gonna take some time methinks.. Anyone have any good links to start of game as terran, non-demo, real time videos, would appreciate it.
Keep playing, until you play against another Terran. After he steamrolls you, check out the replay and watch what he was doing the whole game. Even if he is not that good there is a fairly huge chance he will at least wall in and show you not to just build several supply depots right off the bat.
Try this link, I like to watch Husky's videos I think he does a nice job (though I actually prefer HD's). He posts his build order in the description of the video. This certainly helped me get my starting build order in line. Hope it helps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQe6UqvCOT4
I would suggest starting out against a computer, and using a slower speed setting. This way you don't have to be reacting as much as you would at the faster speed setting. I would first practice on getting a barracks almost right after getting the first supply depo. When there, build one marine for every SCV you build until you max out your supply again. When there, build a second barracks, and another supply depo. From here practice doing that as soon as you get the money to do so. Try never breaching 200 minerals. This is just a good practice to get you more used to raising your unit count. Before people respond to me saying it's a bad build. . it's not really a build, more like a way to train yourself to keep your unit count up and your money as low as possible while just starting out. When you feel comfortable, add-on a tech lab to a barracks, and try getting some diverse units. You may also want to look into getting factories so you can get the hang of advancing your technologies. I hope this helps some. Keep in mind, you can't win without attacking.
It shouldn't take much to get fairly good. M&M is IMO the easiest strat that is actually effective. To be good with protoss you have to do a lot of micro because of lots of spellcasters and warp gates. With zerg you have to fast expand or rush or something. With terran it is super easy to mass troops, and really the only micro you need is stim packs at the right time, and setting off EMP's against protoss. Once you start getting in to reaper harass and some other stuff there is more micro involved but its quite easy to be fairly good with a super basic M&M&M strat that requires very little skill. Build M&M's. If they attack, repel it and then counter. If they don't attack get Medivacs and go do a drop on to their mineral line with your whole army. Its a basic strategy that works really well, except not so much in TvT.
There are a lot of tutorials on youtube where the commentators breakdown what the player is doing right or wrong. A lot of the commentators like [Day]9 and Crota (A.K.A. blizshouter)also do QA's.
BTW, personally I think that SC2 games shouldn't last more than 20. If it lasts more than 20... then it's just an EPIC waste of time =P haha... Of course there are exceptions to the rule. But more often than not, it's just a drawn out battle that is exhausting to watch.
I believe you said you were playing the computer (AI) on easy so here is my best Comp stomp advice for any race. Any difficulty level below hard on AI is relatively dumb and predictable as you probably have already found. Around the same time every game they send a similiarly sized attack force with composition changing based on the race you are playing against. Until you get up to hard the comp will only send these smalls raids intermittently and they wont expand either. It will be content to send the same attack wave over and over until someone loses....So all you have to do is DEFEND YOUR RAMP! Which is what everyone has already said, but i offer a slightly different idea. So if your terran the wall off is an excellent choice, and will prepare you to play against other humans. If you want an even easier solution just build 2 bunkers with marines right at your ramp into your main. Fill them up asap, and when you see the attack coming bring an scv or 2 to repair the bunkers. If put up stiff resistance at the ramp the computer will fallback everytime.... If you can defend against that initial rush the rest of the game will be easy I promise. Continue to bolster your defenses (extra marines, bunkers, marauders, tanks). You should have held off 2-3 small/medium sized attacks before your forces can easily crush the AI Base. Also if your scared to lose units walling off with supply depots/barracks, bring a SCV over during the attack if you have walled off and simply repair the structure. Once your marines have picked off a few enemy units the AI will most likely retreat back. Once you get it down, AI easy is a snooze fest, good luck!