So I picked up two interesting tips yesterday that I hadn't heard previously and thought I'd share, anyone have any more please add. - hit W as protoss to select all warpgates you have, hotkey'd or not - when evacuating the probes/drones/scv's at a base that is under attack don't just select all and click move, if you target a mineral patch at another field their move pathing changes and they are able to move through attacking units (Both I credit to HuskyHD) - BACKSPACE centre on base BACKSPACE again = Cycle thru bases Anyway any more out there? Oh one i picked up from these forums - hit x while bannlings are buried to explode like landmines :laugh: so fun
Wasn't obvious? I would never have imagined you could select it like this. Are there any other buildings? Only that would be fair.
Only warp gates have separate hot key, i imagine that's because they are the only production buildings that don''t have queue.
Didn't know about the backspace one. Thanks! Will try it out later today after midterms I'll add on... - If you have a lot of different units hotkeyed to one number (say #4)... pushing tab cycles through them.
It's not because of lack of queue, but rather because you "need" warpgates bound as you warp in units anywhere in the map. Having hatcheries bound to 1 key wouldn't help in the same way as you can't control which hatchery to spawn which units(let's say you have an island and wanna spawn drones and mutas on that hatchery and you wanna spawn roaches and hydras from your main base: selecting all hatcheries and hitting the drone/muts/hydra/roach keys won't get you the desired effect, that's why only warpgates have their own button.) Edit: And I think that mouseovering the warpgate button on the bottom right side of the screen will not only select them but also show you the hotkey button(w), so under that light it should be quite obvious indeed. At least I think that's how I learned about it anyway...