List of SC2: WoL missions - spoiler

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by RHStag, Jan 8, 2010.

List of SC2: WoL missions - spoiler

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by RHStag, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. RHStag

    RHStag New Member

    Mar 28, 2009
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    Following is a list of about half the total missions in the SCII: WoL Campaign. If you do not want any spoilers, do not read this post.
    With some margin of error it is safe to say that approximately 50% of the missions in WoL is already known. The following list was made using StarCraftWiki., which I assume for convenience, to be correct. All the information can be traced down to their reliable source(s). If you are familiar with the SCWiki articles, by all means stop reading. Screenshots are not recent, missions titles are most likely wrong, basic information on the 'feel' and mission gameplay is most likely correct.

    Mission 1: Liberation Day
    Raider marines deployed by Hercules dropship. While resistance en route to the colony was light, the initial attack force was insufficient against the settlement's Dominion garrison. Raider reinforcements deployed by drop pods forced the defenders back. The local inhabitants were persuaded by Raynor to rise up and help the rebels destroy the Dominion Shipment Center.

    Mission 2: The Dig
    Raynor's Raiders used the momentum from their previous strike to rally additional support. The rebels attacked the Dominion White Rock compound from a nearby base. Sympathetic locals offered support. The Raiders liberated an alien artifact from the compound.

    Mission 3: Backwater Station
    The Raiders retrieved the alien artifact from the Terran Dominion White Rock facility and prepared to leave Mar Sara. However, the zerg invasion forced the rebels to defend their position while they awaited support and extraction by Hyperion.

    Mission 4: The Evacuation of Agria OR Tooth and Nail
    - The Evacuation of Agria
    Agria was abandoned by the Dominion Armed Forces as the zerg invasion struck the Koprulu Sector. As the zerg arrived, local scientist Ariel Hanson broadcast a distress signal requesting help to evacuate the colony. The small farming colony would soon be overrun.

    - Tooth and Nail
    The archaeological Möebius Foundation was interested in acquiring alien artifacts despite the Dominion prohibition. The Foundation contacted Raynor's Raiders through Tychus Findlay and hired the Raiders to retrieve an artifact from Monlyth.

    Mission 5: Outbreak OR Mining Your Own Business
    - Outbreak
    Raynor's Raiders escorted the Agrian colonists[1] to Meinhoff, but discovered an area infested by zerg. During the day the infested terrans did not venture far from their lairs and could be destroyed easily. However, during the night the infested emerged in large numbers and aggressively attacked the Raiders' base.

    - Mining Your Own Business
    The lower map areas where the minerals are is flooded by lava at regular intervals. Ground units caught in the lava are destroyed quickly. After the first flood a warning timer to the next flood is added to the interface.

    Other known missions:

    - One mission consists of a series of train robberies.
    - A mission in which a lone ghost must influence a battle.
    - A mission on ancient forbidden platforms or spaceship, the very space damages units.
    - A mission on a scrap planet where there are no traditional resources, scrap must be collected.
    - The "Thor" mission.
    - One mission will have walls of fire burn across the map and the player must complete the mission before being consumed by a nearby supernova.

    - The Protoss mini-campaign, consisting of at least 2 missions.

    That's a total of 15 missions. SC2: WoL is expected to have 28 missions.

    Source used: StarCraft Wiki

    Watch (old) gameplay footage of the listed missions, here.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2010

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Thanks for the info.
    I've read the objectives and seen the screen shots. I don't know, those missions are really Starcraftish. I don't see how and when there could be primordial moments in the scenario which will change the destiny of the universe.
    That's just an impression for me, but those missions will be boring.
  3. RHStag

    RHStag New Member

    Mar 28, 2009
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    What does a mission need, in your opinion, to be 'Starcraftisch' ?
    Imo, the original SC missions didn't have that much variation to them, which in other words - would mean boring.

    I welcome the variety of missions SC2 offers. =)

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Starcraftisch ? no variation of missions. I don't know, I am not right now in a mental situation to write sensed things. I am perturbated by odor of oil painting in my bedroom, as I have renovated it. My head is heavy by the gas. :D LOL !!

    Well, in seing one objective : collect 8,000 minerals while the lava is coming to your base that reminds me a boring mission of Brood War. A long mission. Maybe I will say the exact inverse tomorrow ;)
  5. Supahboih

    Supahboih New Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    Didn't want to spoil it, didn't read spoiler.
  6. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    CT, USA
    IMO there isn't all too much spoiler in there. I didn't notice any plot points we didn't know other than one.

    Still a good post.
  7. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    I had to check the OP's post date to make sure it wasn't another necrobump :D

    We've known this for a while and it's day of release of deemed "Loregasm Day" by the fansites. There's gotta be quite a few topics about this left over. Therefore, I find it pretty redundant to repost it just because a link to StarCraftWiki might not've been posted yet.

    The first few Terran missions were different? How?

    As for the 8,000 mineral mission, read the impressions and you'll see that you'll be doing other things while you mine that.
  8. RHStag

    RHStag New Member

    Mar 28, 2009
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    There aren't any real spoilers in the OP, for those whom are up to date with the SC2 news. People may have deliberately not read any info on the SP campaign that why I mention that there could be spoilers.

    Anyhow, I just thought it would be handy to have such a list on the forum. I suppose not everyone visits SCWiki.

    I really like the 'lone Ghost' mission. And seeing that there are still lots of missions we don't know anything about , I'm anxious to get more info on those!
  9. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    By the way, that's not "half" the missions. Wings of Liberty will have 28 missions, and you've listed 7 (so that's one quarter of them).
  10. RHStag

    RHStag New Member

    Mar 28, 2009
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    I've listed 8 more below the seven 'official' missions, they simply don't have any screenshots for referance. The general idea of the mission, and thus gameplay, is known information - therefore I include them in the list, bringing the total to 15 known missions.

    You could argue that we don't know anything about the Protoss mini-campaign, only that you're playing as Protoss. Even then, you get a total of 13 missions, which adds up to 'approximately 50%'.
  11. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    He and the article are including these:

  12. Spardas

    Spardas Guest

    im rly looking forward to some great supernova visuals....i sure would like a cinematic of the supernova star...or maybe the mission is on a space platform and we can see the star in the background...or in the worst case scenario some good lighting effects on the terrain
  13. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

    The point is, however, that there are already at least a few topics with this exact same information. This is redundant and unnecessesary.

    Furthermore, this information did not come from SCWiki. It came from various fansites including StarCraftWire//BlizzPlanet and SCLegacy.

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    You know I hope to see a BONUS MISSION like there was one in Brood War when we discovered the zerg-protoss hybrid for the first time.

    I will ALWAYS remember that moment when Zeratul discovered this creature. I will always remember when the Terran cybernetic woman (I don't know her name) said those words "....class : Zerg/Protoss Hybrid ....". I was about to make it in my pant .... An hybrid ? WOW !!

    Hope there will be almost ONE extraordinary mission. Not constant even different missions. I want to be surprised !! That's my wish for the scenario.
  15. aem1

    aem1 New Member

    Jul 21, 2008
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    im liking that ghost mission