LiquidNazgul is one of my favorite players. I love his games. It doesn't matter weather he wins or looses. His tactics are insane and he is a very weird player to say the least. If there are any LiquidNazgul fans out there, post some of his replays here. I would LOVE to see them ! I recently saw this game and I just loved it:
I'd like to use this opportunity to point out that this Immortal easily pushed off a Marauder rush. Immortals are OP now, if you nerf Marauder you'd better make hardened shield an upgrade!
Definitely need to make Hardened Shields a research option rather than automatically attained. IMO that Immortal would have gotten destroyed if the Terran player had had more Marines in the mix; it's not like Marauders are meant to counter HS anyway.
In terms of sheer creativity and entertainment value, TLO really is awesome. Plus the fact that he plays random all the time, in all tourneys - mad props. I really like watching WhiteRa as well, just because he loves to cheese. I find cheese so entertaining
was my face when I read it. Do you realize how expensive and long it takes to make an immortal ???? It's definitly not a cheap unit to make since it bascially rips your economy in half to produce it early game.
250. Gas: 100. Control: 4 and take almost a minute to make. Not exactly a cheap unit. Time, gas, and minerals. They cost as much as two stalkers. Even then they lose uselessness after T2 units are done rushing. I only use them as a buffer as I get air. Too slow to do too much. Can't warp them in. Can't even attack air!
Yes but 250/100 for what is essentially a unit that cancels out the Siege Tank is not bad. It does 20 base damage and then +30 damage against armor. That's 50 friggin damage! Consider that one Siege Tank is 150/125. Imagine if Protoss had that option in SC1. Terran needs some kind of better counter to it. Marines don't do very well against it because of their low HP. I think it might need a range reduction.
Hey hey hey, that's not an entirely fair comparison. This isn't brood war, and you should be the first to point that out.