The first on is the best in my opinion and it looks like it has a lot more detail and work in it. The second one I don't care for at all really mainly because I don't like the tile style of it and Light's face looks bad to me, not sure what it is I just don't like the way his face is put together but it could just be the style. The last one is good but it's not great. The color flare on the hair and eyes I like, and it helps keep the picture interesting but I find it kind of dull since the only thing on it is font and the top half of Light's face. I like the font but since the h and t and to be dulled down in color because it goes into his hair makes them hard to see and a unobservant person or if the picture was smaller might think it just said Lig. Overall 1. 9/10 2.4/10 3. 6/10