I managed my way to rank 1 in silver league and even though I continue to win it doesn't move me up to gold. Can someone explain exactly how this works? Thanks in advance.
The main idea is you need to win the matches against the people in 1 or 2 ranks higher than you. If your only betaing your rank or lower it doesnt matter that much. Because bnet is trying to judge if your capable of dealing with the challange or are you in the league thats most balanced for you. If that makes sense. if not ill go into greater detail for ya
Your points determine your rank in a division. Moving between leagues is a function of your Win-Loss ratio and some other archaic chicanery that Blizzard won't divulge. For example, if you're in a league for awhile you actually have to lose a certain amount of matches (people say between 5 and 7) and then win the subsequent match in order to get promoted.
Yeah, it is a crazy mix of win/loss ratio, recent performance, what blizzard's fortune cookie says and who you're winning against.
Well that just sounds ridiculous. lol However thanks for the replies, I suppose I'll just keep on playing until by some amazing feet something changes.
I was gonna make my own thread about this.. but.. I feel that I can could just add on to this one.. I'm a pretty decent Protoss player. I have a 2:1 win:loss ratio, I have been first in my division in Gold league for the past 5 days, and I am ONLY matched up against Platinum and Diamond players. Typically Diamond players. I continue to beat (slaughter) Diamond players that are top ten in their division, and continue to gain points.. and maintain first in my division.. yet I'm not moving from Gold league!! Do I honestly need to lose more games in order to move up? I actually started in Bronze. It was pretty comical. 3/5 of my placement matches I got cheesed (cannon rush/zergling rush) so I was placed into Bronze at the start... I assume that has something to do with why it's taking me so long to get up to where I feel that I should be.. I guess I'm more of venting, because I understand that noone knows how it really works. Oh well I suppose. I'll continue to make these Diamond players feel like losers for losing to a Gold player
Huh? I feel for ya man... And if promotion is a function of win/loss ratio, then why do you need to lose to get promoted? Now, my math isn't the best, but losing decreases your win/loss ratio... Wait, is there some secret win/loss ratio that you need to hit to get promoted? LOL... But yeah, it's definitely more fulfilling to beat people higher up But just a thought, could numbers from your score screen determine things, like for example, average unused resources or whatever else is there?
Blizzard has stated that stats from within a game do not factor into the equation, only if you won or lost.
Sort of, yes. It does appear the system needs you to have a certain amount of Losses incurred before it will change your League. For example, I lost 2 placements and seeded Gold and went un-defeated for a while in ladder. It was only after losing a total of 6 matches that I promoted to Platinum after a win. The points system (and the linked ranking) is misleading because almost every division has a leader who is far and above the 2nd place. Players don't change division within a league, so there are "bad" divisions occupied by players who got their placement and don't play much (and lack the points) and then there are "good" divisions where a majority play on a regular basis. Plus, new divisions are created when they're needed. Rankings and League placements were arguably a better indicator of skill in Beta when it mostly consisted of passionate players who played consistently whether they were good or not. Right now, there are just so many new players and so many spots in Leagues taken up by players who just cheesed their placement and don't play often enough for the system to get them into the right League.
I think instead of losing a certain number of games, perhaps winning a certain number of games should push you up. I like thinking positive, but whatever, Blizzard's boss. @ codfreak Might sound funny, but try losing a few games and then see what happens. After all, winning isn't doing you any good I'd appreciate if you let us know how it works out.
If you keep winning, It's still wondering where to place you. Let's say a bronze player is continually beating first bronze, then silver, then gold, then suddenly he loses a couple matches in a row. Then, he wins one. It would place you right in between your last lost match and won match. This would be the right place, obviously. Which, in this case, would be gold.