I read somewhere that all the leagues will be reset soon by Blizzard. Anyone know whether the rumor is true?
It is. Leagues will be reset on a regular basis, and the first reset is to be expected soon. But you'll have a record of your standings and details from all previous seasons.
great now i can play league games and try all kinds of crazy builds out ... they'll just reset the league anyways so i dont care if i fall back to bronze league ^^
You'll have to play one placement match according to Blizzard. It's technically the beginning of "season 2."
You keep your MMR rating from the previous league so it'll need less placement matches due to having MMR and volatility rating in place already. New players will take 5 matches as usual. 2-3 matches would indeed be more accurate, but you're already gonna be matched up according to your MMR and if you played enough matches your volatility should be low enough anyway so there's no big expectancy to have extreme skill changes over that time.. Battlenet keeps your MMR and volatility ratings saved over resets and so going down a league will affect whom you'll play against on your 1 placement match and which division you'll probably be put in in a direct way(thus if you lose like 20 matches in a row your volatility will increase and your mmr will dive). Still, trying new tactics etc is always good to do, plus no matter which league you are in it only takes a few matches to get you against players of your level and your visible rating and league will change in time anyway. don't hurry your way through leagues, play in a pace where you enjoy the game, are able to try out stuff and learn from your accumulated experience. Rushing to rankings isn't good for anyone and it will come in time if you play and learn at a pace that suits you.
There are 2 hidden attributes connected to each player: MatchMakingRating(or MMR) and Volatility. Volatility is the reverse of trust the system has on your skill(i.e the higher the volatility the bigger the MMR jumps between matches) and MMR is a rating that represents your skill in a specific type of game(1vs1 2vs2 etc). When pressing the find match button you're matched not with people within your division(i.e if you're bronze at Broodling Yankee you will not be matched against people from within that division and there's chance you won't be matched with people from bronze at all if your MMR corresponds to a higher division). I don't wanna give random examples out of my head, but take a look at this post, it's quite helpful regarding the ladder: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=118212
Why is one not moved into another league, if MMR corresponds to a higher division? Will the system keep the number of wins and losses? If not, what about the avatars? Will there ever be a chance to change the name?
If your MMR corresponds to another league you will be moved there eventually after a number of games. Your rating moves towards your MMR and the greatest the difference of your rating vs your mmr the highest the speed they converge. if you play consistently against people from a league higher than you and get a ~50% win ratio against them then you'll be moved up a league. You're always pitted against people in a way that you keep a ~50% win ratio and that's what the MMR is doing. On the reset wins/loses will be reset. The total number of wins/loses over previous seasons will be kept though so you'll get to keep both your avatars and your progression towards unlocking new avatars. No, there won't be a chance to change your name, as far as I know.