I decided to register here weeks ago because I predicted I'd need a forum to post in when I throw myself at the starcraft 2 map editor. Which isn't even available yet, but might as well register early.
Hallo Zaru. Jeg heter darkone. (my name is) Hyggelig å møte deg. (nice to meet you) Where are you from?
That I do. There are metal neck guards on the table over there, I can bite through them, and it hurts the bitten one to have metal go into their flesh, but I enjoy picking the locks with my fangs.
Hello Zaru Welcome to the Forums, Hope you enjoy your sanity if you dare visit Space Junk Anywhere other forum on here is pretty good. Enjoy your stay :yes:
I'm bisexual, not transexual. I don't have any female organs. I find it insanely annoying when people get this mixed up. It's quite insulting actually.
There's also a difference between mixing something up and asking everyone you meet if he/she has a vag00. In my case it's the latter and usually the result are interesting reactions.
welcome dude!! im Megaman...uhh i mean im ACe, but people know me around here as the blue bomber cuz my sig/avy used to be megaman.