Last Stand for Zerg Balance!

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by AtlasMech2, Sep 13, 2010.

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Last Stand for Zerg Balance!

  1. AtlasMech2

    AtlasMech2 Guest

    Incase you didn't know, I was banned from the blizzard forums for making absurd complaints about zerg. Now I am banned from these forums for doing the same.
    But if you know something is wrong with an obtusely designed race (Zerg) it becomes hard to put your finger on what exactly that problem is.

    I will be moving on now to the TeamLiquid Forums, but I am currently under a 3 day trial period before I can post a thread, this is what I will be posting there.

    I left off with the following data which I believe represents an equal balance of power for the structures of each race.

    I mistakenly put that the total cost for the zerg structures was 1000 minerals, when the lump sum value is actually 1100.

    3 hatchery + 2 overlord = 19 supply (total 1100 minerals)
    2 command center + 1 depot = 28 supply (Total 900 minerals)
    2 nexus + 1 pylon = 26 supply (Total 900 minerals)

    The above is fact. So I give the above data the benefit of the doubt that perhaps there is a reason for why it is the way it is.

    I can really only come up with a few counter arguements for why zerg is being short handed. In my eyes it is clear they are.

    If I was to send this to blizzard they might come up with any of the following arguments.

    1. But 3 overlords and 2 hatch = 26 food (800 minerals)

    My response: But what is the purpose of getting overlord 3 when you could just get
    another hatch? That 3rd hatch is more important then food at that point, UNLESS you are suggesting that the overlord was suppose to provide economic support.
    Overlord having an economic role? That goes back to the idea of overlord building on and extracting additional gas or minerals but that seems rediculous. Or blizzard,
    are you suggesting that the pool should have more of a role then just unlocking the zergling, and zergling speed?

    But lets balance this back out by giving toss and terran 1 more supply depot or pylon and factor in the pool, barrack, and gateway. If you examine those values it goes back to being imbalanced for zerg.
    But lets say that the pool was worth 8 food. Here is an interesting presentation of data to show how it would be balanced.

    2 hatch + 3 lord + pool(8 food) = 34 food (1100 minerals)
    2 cc + 2 depot + barrack = 36 food (1150 minerals)
    2 nexus + 2 pylon + gateway = 34 food (1150 minerals)

    Remember, zerg naturally start out with an overlord. But the above data shows just how balanced it would be if the pool was worth 8 food.

    Argument #2: But 3 hatch pool is able to produce so much more offense than 2 command center, barrack.

    My response: But how can zerg make that offense with out the food? at that point zerg still would only have 2 lords which means a 3rd lord is needed to even be able to take advantage of 3 hatch ling.
    If a wave of offense from 3 hatch has to be utilized and it fails, zerg's economy is
    down the drain.

    Truly, this proves that zerg is a race that is FORCED is to a greater degree of agression then terran or protoss. With terran having a higher degree of dealing
    with that agression, repairing a bunker. It just practically gauruntees zerg's demise.

    We have been debating the role of the pool on another forum. It doesn't naturally open up production like the gateway or the barrack. People say on the other hand
    that it is a tech building, that it unlocks the zergling and queen. When you compare it to the cyber core, the cybernetics core upgrades protoss' air, and unlocks
    2 additional units, the stalker is simply a higher level unit then a ling is, especially when micro is used.

    So should the pool upgrade zerg air like the cybercore? If not then...

    maybe it is more comparable to the academy because stimpacks and marine range are ability upgrades like ling speed and adrenal gland.

    In what way does having stimpack be at tier 1 compare to the zergling attack upgrade which occurs at tier 3.

    I'm finding that in starcraft, that there isn't a very good back and forth battle between raw army going up the tech tree. it seems like they focused all the back and forth element
    in to the gas units. This also seems to be, to some degree part of the issue.

    The pool doesn't naturally enhance production like the barrack and the gateway. It doesn't upgrade units like the cybercore, and it doesn't allow for adrenal gland on tier 1 which is comparable
    to stim packs, until tier 3.

    But people don't want it to be able to do any of those things because it would buff zerg too much, and because it wouldn't be unique enough.

    The pool yielding 8 food is actually the perfect and logical answer in my opinion.

    Interestingly enough, it even makes sense in its concept. A pool which holds gentic bio fluid in the same way a depot holds supply, enhancing the capacity for which bio can be produced.

    Argument 3: But the overlord can be used as a scout.

    My response: Does that really make up for 8 food lost? Maybe if the overlord was naturally cloaked... But I don't even think blizzard could explain that ridiculous of a concept.

    So I will be posting this on the TeamLiquid forums hopefully on thursday september 16th.

    Then I will report back here on the response as I was advised to by this forum.

    Which me Luck! -AtlasMech

    Few corrections edited at 7:16
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2010
  2. War_Don

    War_Don Guest

  3. AtlasMech2

    AtlasMech2 Guest

    Yep, you just represented zerg design quite well.
  4. duffman

    duffman New Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    LOL did u just make War_Don so you could have a non-negative reply that u have a response to???? lol i love it when u post.
  5. AtlasMech2

    AtlasMech2 Guest

    Lmao, no... but that actually sounds like something I would do. :D

    1 more edit on the initial post "So should zerg be able to upgrade air at the pool like the cybernetics core?"
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2010
  6. War_Don

    War_Don Guest

    When I read AtlasMeCH's posts, it's all I can think about.
  7. AtlasMech2

    AtlasMech2 Guest

    HEY! you used my tag exactly as it is on - East

    I must know you on there.

    Anyways, starcraft could be best summed up by Da Vinci

    "Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication"
  8. War_Don

    War_Don Guest

    Well it's my exact handle on wc3 east.

    Starcraft can be best summed by by Bjork.

    "Football is a fertility festival. Eleven sperm trying to get into the egg. I feel sorry for the goalkeeper. "
  9. duffman

    duffman New Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    are you a schizophrenic?
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2010
  10. AtlasMech2

    AtlasMech2 Guest

    Argument # 4:

    "But this would make the pool rush more effective"

    My response: No, it would just be a greater follow through, if it was followed up on, and be a better recovery if it wasn't.

    Duffman says: "are you a scitzophrenic?"

    I'm absolute delusion.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2010
  11. snowden0908

    snowden0908 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    you keep shooting it in the head and it keeps coming back...

  12. RushSecond

    RushSecond New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    San Diego
    So, what are you guys predictions on how long it will take for team liquid admins to ban this guy from their form? I'm thinking one week.
  13. Reldric

    Reldric New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    I dunno rush, he might last that long... Im just kinda bored with his posts. They all say the same thing and he ignores anything that counters his argument.
  14. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    What the hell is this?

    ps thanks for the info on your bnet ban

    pps custom avatar coming up later... I'm at work and reading this and acting on it is a mighty fine way to start a day lol
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2010
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