All I can say is WTF and What a Twist Here is a trailer and once again WTF Shyamalan Seriously Shyamalan
I never watched the whole series, just a few episodes here and there and I gotta say for a kid's show it was pretty awesome. This trailer, looks wicked cool. We'll see what happens. It can't be worst than Dragon Ball Evolution so that's..positive I guess
i already knew it was coming for about a year or so(i have my sources) this film is the first of a trilogy and will sort of tell the story of the first book it always surprises me how bad the child actors are they pick for movies, i hope this is an exception
At this point, it would seem like hoping that this movie is good is like hoping that an inbred child doesn't have genetic disorders. I sincerely hope that I'm wrong >.>
I knew this was gonna happen. I have known for over a year now by the same sources. But I had my suspicions. I mean they didn't even do a fourth book, where did the book of Air go? Huh? The series was supposed to last for another year officially.
you have to keep in mind that these are the best they can find. children just can't act. they can't emote, they probably can't understand what other people (i.e. their characters) are feeling until they're older. like when they're 30.
Leonardo DiCaprio could act when he was young. Then again...I feel that he was just a child prodigy or something.
the EVE's from X-files, the bald gene-engineered kid from stargate, the creepy slitheen kid from sarah jane adventures i admit, the first two were a while ago, but if i am right the third one is 12 by now. He is quite decent at acting. There are a surprising lot of decent child actors out there. I find it odd that everytime they make a movie they skip all the good ones and pick a bad one