I've asked around seems to happen to a bunch of people. My laptop will freeze during game play at randomly for 4-5mins at a time. I can move the mouse [cursor changes to windows cursor] but rest goes black. After a couple of minutes i can alt+tab then it usually comes back. But the fact is the game is over by then. Specs are Asus G73jh Laptop Intel Core i7 720QM Quad Core 1.6GHz • 8GB DDR3 RAM • ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 1GB graphics • 1TB (7200RPM) hard drive Now i was originally playing on ultra settings before the first patch came out, and NO problems. After the patch came out the problems starting happening. So i dropped it to low, it was better but didn't completely fix the problem. Any Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
close any open programs such as windows side bar, Google sidebar and such oh and steam if you do all that and it still locks up then try running disk clean up and reboot your computer and run your virus scan if you have avast then you can run a boot scan which will scan the computer before any other program is run. if it still locks up try deleting some programs and clean take the bottom panel off of your lap top and clean the fan vent that helped me it will also increase the laptops efficiency because it wont be running as hot. good luck
Does this also happen in other 3D games? Your computer specs are by far sufficient for ultra settings, but I guess you know that.
If it doesn't happen in other 3D games, try this... -Open your Variables.txt file (which can be found in C:\Users\{YourUserName}\Documents\StarCraft II) Add these lines to the bottom: frameratecap=60 frameratecapGlue=30 That is normally used to stop nVidia cards from overheating, but it wouldn't hurt to try it. Also, try to answer these questions for me: -Do other 3D apps like Cyris or 3DMark crash? -Are your laptops vents cleared from dust? -Do you keep it on your laptop on a table, or your lap? -What is the average room temperature of the room you are using the laptop? Laptops should always be used on a table. I know, the name will completely fool you, but setting it on your lap can cause the machine to overheat because your legs are blocking air intake, exhaust. If you've had the machine for awhile, it may need regular maintenance where you reapply thermal paste to all the components that displace heat (normally the CPU and GPU). Also, for a beasty heat displacing gaming laptop like that, room temperate is super important. Even if you are keeping it on a table, keeping the room temp around 70F is important! Anything hotter can drastically shorten the life span of the equipment (even Desktops should be kept at the temperature). Then again, if it was working right before the first patch, it may indeed be Blizzard's fault and you may wish to contact them directly.