The culmination of a scandal that has rocked the Korean StarCraft scene came today as 11 StarCraft "Pro" players were charged in connection with a gambling conspiracy that included bribing players to throw professional matches. Among those charged is reportedly former WCG champion sAviOR, a world-class Zerg player. According to legal documents, the players allegedly accepted bribes of between $2,000 and $6,000 USD to throw tournament matches at the behest of gambling brokers (three of which were also charged today). We reported initially on the breaking of the scandal by Korean news outlets, but now it appears charges have actually been filed. There has been no comment from the Korean pro-gaming authority KeSPA on the charges or allegations. According to legal sources, the coaches and teams of these players are not suspected in the illicit activity. Source: TeamLiquid
Savior was my fav zerg pro player when I first started watching Korean SC matches on youtube... Maybe thats why he started to lose matches in later years.
I think I would've done the same thing in his position. Think about it. Programers only have a few years of 'prime' until they can't keep up with apm and such. On top of that, they dedicate their teen years fully to SC, so they don't really have any other skills besides playing professional Starcraft. Also, even though pro teams pay them money, its not enough to 'purchase' a future (according to, Savior makes about 75.000 dollars a year). So what is someone like Savior going to do after he can't play anymore? Wash dishes for money? Of course not. Instead, he did the smart thing.. cutting a deal with gambling groups to make more money and use it to have a better future once his programing years are over.. Perhaps people should try to look at the whole picture and take off their fanboy glasses. Besides, he has nothing to prove. Once you're N°1, you will always be N°1. By the way, keep in mind these figures were toned down. When It says 2.000$, its more like 9 or 10. When it says that he only threw '9 or so' games (can't remember how many the official statement says), it was probably around 90-100. (this is speculation obviously but comes from good sources)
There is a reason why most sports professionals don't play theur sports till they are 105. They mostly retire from 30-35. Simply cause the body is too old to compete at the same level as the youngsters. And the same as the korean SC2 players. Once the mind can't keep the fingers clicking and hotkeying a godly APM then they have to retire from the sport and get another job. it's the same as any professional athlete. They train for years as a kid, just like the SC2 pros do. And all sports professionals know their time playing the sport is limited and they need a job after their sporting years. Andf the SC2 pros should face up with this reality and not just abuse illegal match fixing to prolong their time playing SC2 professionally.
75,000$$ a year is A LOT of money. First of all he lost track of everything... One he was being PAID to play a game he wanted to play. Being paid for fun? Sounds nice. I would of still been going to school to have a CAREER after getting a ****LOAD of money for playing a video game. There is no difference between us normal gamers and him(Aside skill duh) I wouldn't of took the bribes, when my time was done I would of done something as to open a forum, hell I'm sure some people would even sponsor him. Maybe gaming mouse companies, etc. Use that fame while still going through school. How long was this guy playing Starcraft and getting 75k a year? In one year this guy could of paid off 4 years worth of University here(Nothing prestige). All in all shame on him, this guy had fans, people who believed in him I'm sure of it. If it was me I wouldn't of took any bribes, I have more morals and pride to do such things. But thats just me
I feel sorry for those guys, about their future, but the sad truth is that once pro-gamers reach past their prime, all they have achieved in gaming competition turns to dust (apart from Boxer, who I like). I mean, comeon, who would want a person who GAMES ONLY to work for you? Hence, it's always wise to put studying first.
it's not like they can't put those credentials to good use. you can probably get in a software company and become a director of some projects even without much programming knowledge.
quite frankly I dont think its ever safe to say that he did a "SMART THING" buy commiting fraud. and second, i think you guys are just making excuses, the real bigger picture here is that if he wanted to earn extra cash they he should have done it the legit way. hell if i find out my favorite basketball team or boxer were throwing away fights because they had bets on the side I WOULD BE DISAPPOINTED. What kind of person would I be to say "oh lets look at the bigger picture he needed money and hes growing old so it was right lets not punish him". Bull****. Im not a professional Starcraft athelete so I cant say how difficult it is to play the game at an elite level as you grow older. but the same applys to you. However, I still dont think there is an excuse. 75 a year in the USA may sound decent but 75k in korea seems to be enough for me, and keep in mind im sure they were gettin money from other parties such as sponsors.. If they are really worried about money and career-wise after retirement maybe its better to say that they do the right thing and go to school and get a regular 9 to 5 job. Besides they are famous, im sure people can pull some strings for them easily.