KorC, our ex [E] member, has threatend us yet again. Must be 5 months already... Ummm... Didnt he threaten to hack our chief? Load us for 24/7? Didnt KoRC swear eternal vengence on us like some little loser boy? Just another day at the office
mL is good, Residence and SiMiLe are cool. Maybe we just got on the wrong foot last time :/, its kids like KoRC that give a clan a bad name :[
ok wow just for all of u to know ths is a story that can be told... kroc was a pain in the butt he was str8 up annoying so some ppl were picking on him... so he came to me and told me and i asked them to stop... kroc just so happen to join the channel as i was telling to leave him alone because he was a memeber and everyone should be treated with some respect and if it was a joke to just know it went to far... after he read that he said f u cow i dont need ur help ur all faggots this ****ing clan it a bunch of blah blah blah blah blah so i ban him... honestly kroc, while he was in this clan couldnt even work his own sbs right... and then 4 months ago he told me to unban him or hell get 2 clans to load us for a week str8... ive been waiting those months for that load? kroc is just another tard..... sometimes when memebers take things to far and get ban they cant let it go. they feel the need to come back in the channel 24.7 like they didnt say to ban them and they hated us? lololol. one guy was total disrespect outta the blue of 2can and i so he got ban kid stayed on his E name for 2 months trying to whisper spam me.... lololololol
i know if u guys ever see ppl join the channel and i just ban them chances are its an ex member on a new tag... if u ever notice they usally keep coming back in diff tags.. meaning the other clans dont want them either rofl this one kid stalked me he actually told me he was just whispering me 24.7 cuz he wanted to be like me ROFL HOW CREEPY IS THAT ****
na he was just annoying i think he needed a father figure in his life so he prbly went around to all the clans going DADDY?