n00b question: How do I know what league my opponent is in? Is there a menu in game? I always hear people on here saying "I play against gold, silver, platinum"... how do u know? Forgive my ignorance.
I check match history after playing someone and then view their profile and from there, see what league they are in.
I wanted to know this too. So people who say they play so and so, they individually check the profiles of the last ~10 opponents? Uh effort > gain lol.
right after the game and when the score screen comes up, you can click their name and click 'View Profile'.
I do a quick profile check at the score screen of every opponent I face. Mostly I just check to see what league they were in (and see if I guessed correctly during the game based on their skill).
Would be the best way in game ... gl on getting the truth from most players though, thats y its best just to check the profiles after the game =p