Originally a UT2k4 Mod, Tripwire (Makers of Red Orchestra) is now going to turn the mod into its own standalone game. People are comparing it to L4D, and I personally think it's dumb to do that. They are both survival games, it's as annoying as everyone comparing each MMO to WoW. I have L4D, and it's a fun game. However, I'm expecting this to be either as good or better (as I'm a huge fan of Red Orchestra). The standalone version will be supported by the SDK base which makes the community able to make new maps and additional mods. Also, graphic enhancement, slow motion kills, and character development will be included in the game. (CORRECTION: Actual gameplay) http://www.moddb.com/mods/killing-floor EDIT: PS. Game just released today. AMAZING, fun stuff! Spent a couple of hours on it and it was really fun. There is heavy team communication required in the game, and I have to say, I enjoy it more than L4D. Too bad no one cares at the moment (Steam page) http://store.steampowered.com/app/1250/ (Trailer) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y81s3yIbZcE (The character movement is a bit chunky in the trailer, but if the MOD has pretty smooth game play, I'm sure the standalone version will). Reminds me of Silent Hill What do you guys think of it? Personally, I love it so far! I'm planning on buying it while it's only 14.99 at the moment.