Kerrigan not so "Queen ***** of the Universe" after all.

Discussion in 'Wings of Liberty Campaign Discussion' started by sc2ftw, Jul 30, 2010.

Kerrigan not so "Queen ***** of the Universe" after all.

  1. sc2ftw

    sc2ftw Guest

    Did you liked the way Wings of Liberty ended ? I liked it, but I'm worried for the next Campaign, who will control the Zerg in the manner Kerrigan did ? :<

    You gotta love StarCraft 2 Characters.. very nicely done by Blizzard, playing Starcraft II, it felt like a very good movie rather than a video game, the campaign i mean.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2010
  2. RushSecond

    RushSecond New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    I think she will be re-infested to control the zerg and save the universe.
  3. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Tassadar, of course.
    But seriously, I haven't a clue.
  4. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    Well, all the Zerg on Char are dead...
    What's left out in the universe is just gonna go ape**** without a leader like when a cerebrate was killed...

    No form or possibility of leadership from inside.

    My money is on that Maar fellow taking over. He did control the swarm during the last Protoss mission after all.
  5. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Sounds like a fair possibility, but wasn't that only going to happen in case these KILLED Kerrigan? They merely took the infestation away like this. Also, she doesn't look completely human again after all. I mean, she still has the bone hair and all. Who knows what kind of control she still has over the swarm?

    Further, there isn't much of the Zerg left anyways. If you've seen all the news bulletins, it clearly states that all of the invading Zerg retreated back to Char, except for the few planets which were completely infested. We'll just have to see what happens to those isolated few planets during the moments where Kerrigan isn't controlling the swarm.
  6. shadowkire

    shadowkire New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Wait, why do people think most of the zerg are dead? from the sound of it Raynor barely pulls off the final victory in time.

    I am bothered by the fleet that Valerian had, apparently half of the entire Dominion fleet. Remember this is only four years after the confederacy was torn apart by Mensk's uprising and the zerg who attacked and conquered about half of the terran worlds, then the UED appeared, beat the Dominion, then they where killed and the Dominion forces under Duke were destroyed by Kerrigan's betrayal, then they lost more people in a failed attack at the end of Brood War.

    Where did all these guys come from? I always thought the terrans in SC1 were evenly matched with or outnumbered by the zerg, but apparently they have more marines than there are zerglings.

    Same goes for the protoss, they lost their homeworld, half the survivors escaped to Shakuras where most of them then chose to try and eliminate the dark templar and failed while all the protoss on the planet had their butts handed to them by the zerg. The other half of the survivors joined Fenix and Raynor in their alliance with Kerrigan and she wiped the floor with them.

    But apparently there are enough protoss to oppose Raynor on four different occasions, one of them is on a planet orbiting a star that was going supernova, and that is only the fringe cult of fanatics. NOT the main protoss forces.

    I won't be entirely surprised if the Heart of the Swarm campaign is about how there are only five zerg units left and you need to rebuild the entire swarm while the terrans and protoss try and exterminate you. Blizzard needs to learn how to count.
  7. necromas

    necromas New Member

    Apr 14, 2009
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    I think maybe she still can control the zerg. (I'm guessing) she hasn't completely purged the zerg side of her, just that her human side is back in control.

    Remember the ending scene, where she still has the zerg tentacles instead of hair.
  8. Mattata

    Mattata New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    shadowkire you make some very legitimate points that I always agreed with, the Protoss from the sound of things in BW are pretty much screwed. Their homeworld gets killed then they get their asses kicked multiple more times, most of em should be dead. Same with terran but they had alot more diverse worlds and locations so they werent as bad off, but the Zerg don't do anything besides sit around and multiply so they should really have pretty much infested every square inch of the galaxy by now. But if that happened there wouldnt be a story anymore. You know how the Starcraft campaigns are though. You always build your race up over the missions to kick *** eventually, and in the end they win somehow then its the next races turn.
  9. ducky11

    ducky11 New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Its gotta be kerrigan controlling the zerg I think. She is the single most important person in stopping the end of the universe... The zerg are used to kill the last of the protoss so I make the connection that the way the main baddy is able to destroy the universe is by using the zerg because they Kerrigan cant stop them from being corrupted... The good human Kerrigan now purified can return the zerg to being good guys and help stop the main baddy... That is what I am assuming anyways. It just doesnt make sense why she still would be the universes savior if she didnt have control over the zerg...

    Oh and I loved the ending
  10. ArchAngely

    ArchAngely New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    you seem to be confused about the protos. Protos units don't realy die on the battlefield. When they are near dead they are teleported to another planet for medical care. Those crippled are put in robots like the dragoon or the immortal.

    source: starcraft.wikia

    Also regarding the zerg. You saw in the campaign how surprised the terrans and the protos were when they were on a specific planet and zergs unborrowed all over the place. i am nearly 100% sure that there are more zerg out there on many planets just waiting for the next instructions from the queen of blades. As you know, the second campain will be about Kerigan and her mutations that will give her more and more control over the zerg. I bet that the zel'naga device changed her in a way she wanted to be changed.
    Just wait and see...

    regarding the terrans, the Directorate fleet came from earth, that's why there were suddenly so many terans in Brood war.
  11. TheBigJ

    TheBigJ New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    I loved the way it ended. As I said in another thread, I'm a romantic at heart, and it's a truly epic love story what with Raynor blasting entire planets to cinders just to get her back.

    As for whose going to control the Zerg in the next expansion, I think it's still going to be Kerrigan.

    The Overmind created the Queen of Blades to prevent the end of the universe. However, I think we're going to learn that being the Queen of Blades has nothing to do with being Zerg. Being infested has probably given her psionic talents she's going to need down the road. But the Queen of Blades she still is, and I think the next campaign will center around her regaining control of the swarm in preparation to fight the evil one.

    I would not be surprised if, by the end of Heart of the Swarm, if she ended up just as powerful, or maybe even more powerful, than infested Kerrigan ever was. She's been touched by both Terran and Zerg technology. She may end up touched by Protoss technology before it's over with, making her the weapon that can stop the Xel Naga.
  12. bruzzo

    bruzzo New Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    I agree with you about the zerg's future. So far in the SC series the zerg is the main villain but the secret missions foreshadow the hybrid as the new villain. So far we know that the hybrid is pretty much invincible against terran marines but protoss units can do dmg to them. But the hybrid can also control/enslave the zerg because they don't have freewill. Hence with the zerg and the hybrid's power they just rolled over the protoss as seen in the last zeratul mission and pretty much rule the entire universe.

    But with Kerrigan gaining back her good/human conscoiusness and yet still possess the role as the queen of the zerg, the zerg is pretty much ruled by her freewill. This way the hybrid cannot easily control the zerg and just consume them to gain more energy to overwhelm the protoss. This then would satisfy her as the savior of the universe as zeratul, tassadar, and the overmind have foreseen, against the hybrid.

    But one thing I don't understand is what's the purpose of kerrigan invading the dominion in SC2? Is it to revenge against mengsk? But why does she have to invade 4 years later but not right after brood war? What happened in the four years between brood war and SC2? She could've conquered much of the universe if she took her move right after brood war.

    Moreover, from the zeratul mission we know that when both zeratul and kerrigan saw the prophecies, zeratul has an optimistic view that the hybrids can be stopped and thinks that the protoss and the zerg should stop fighting and focus on the hybrid. Where as kerrigan has a pessimistic view and thinks the prophecy will happen anyway. From this it makes sense for kerrigan to not invade and not do anything since the universe will fall anyways sooner or later in her pessimistic perspective. But not sure why she suddenly made her move four years later.
  13. TheBigJ

    TheBigJ New Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    I think Kerrigan invaded because she was also seeking the Xel Naga artifacts. Probably because it was the one thing that could actually threaten her.
  14. bruzzo

    bruzzo New Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    I see. Wow then the zerg intelligence is a lot worse then terran cause four of the pieces of the artifact were held by both the dominion and the protoss and Raynor's intelligence was able to locate them correctly.

    But for Kerrigan to find them, she not only have to invade the dominion but also the protoss? She might be able to get thembefore Raynor did if she started her invasion fours years ago then I guess?
  15. JDarque

    JDarque New Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    according to the storyline, Kerry also waited because she was breeding new lines of zerg....hence the new units.
  16. pooma

    pooma New Member

    Aug 19, 2010
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    I double that. Remember that only ghosts were able to use psi emiters to control Zerg. Kerrigan with her knowledge and experience maybe will be able to do that without emiters. Also this will be nice way to indroduce new units mission by mission - as Kerrigan learns how to create new/old minions. But there is also another option. As we can remember, when first Overmind was slayed, Kerrigan was not that strong to control whole brood and new Overmind was evolving. In one of BW missions, we need to kill that little Overmind and after that Kerrigan gains full control. After cleansing Char, we may be the new Overmind, growing in some outer system, learning everything from scratch about the brood, defending from Terran, Protoss and renegate broods, and eventually - expanding. This would be cool too :)

    Anyway, I'm a little disappointed on how easily Raynor beat Zerg and purified Char. After Brood War, Kerrigan had all other races on her plate. UED forces were destroyed on their way home, Dominium surrendered to UED, but since UED left the sector, they were kinda defenseless.
    Protoss armies, beaten on Aiur and then Shakuras (well they made it on Shakuras, but there were not many survivors). Kerrigan is on her prime, brood is big and powerful as never before. So Blizzs called their cowboy, gave him an artifact and gg :|
  17. Rebel Head

    Rebel Head New Member

    Jan 13, 2010
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    I imagine heart of the swarm will feature you playing as the hybrids, or xel naga and regaining control over the swarm from kerrigan, and building it back up. However this will lead many players in wanting to know what is to become of kerrigan, and seeing how her relationship with raynor will play out. On the other hand, it will be a nice change to play as the villains. In the original starcraft games, there was always at least one campaign that allowed us to be the bad guys for once, but if heart of the swarm will be focused on kerrigan then we may never get that chance in starcraft 2.
  18. Galgus

    Galgus New Member

    Aug 16, 2010
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    Who says Kerrigan can't still control the swarm?

    Perhaps its all part of the Overmind's plan.
  19. Alsojames

    Alsojames New Member

    Jul 12, 2010
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    The Overmind's dead isn't it?
  20. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Yup, and he planned for that.