Keep losing to Protoss

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by solar00, Oct 16, 2010.

Keep losing to Protoss

  1. solar00

    solar00 New Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    Here is replay of a lost game againt protoss.
    No matter how I scout and be prepared.
    It just doesn't seem to work.
    I must say thay roughly 90% of all my losses are against Protoss players.

    He attacks.... I try to counterattack and a full army is already waiting for me.
    How am i supposed to win against this? (I even had unit upgrades)
    I guess this player doesn't belong in Bronze and is way out of my league.

    I watched the replay a few times but there simply isn't a way to solve this kind of problem. (maybe in a very early stage)
    -i cannot attack his expansions because it's guarded immediately by dozens of cannons.
    -I can't expand at all (except for my natural) its wasted by voids on every try.

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    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  2. Makki

    Makki Member

    Jul 31, 2010
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    thats wierd.. terrans usually dont have trouble beating protoss.... its more the other way around xD
    but i was wondering when you counterattacked and you saw that giant army did you engage that? because in that case you should just run back to your base and defend if he attacks...

    -what unit-mix do you typically lose to against protoss? and when?
    -what units or unit-mix do you go? or do you go marine/marauder/medivac?
  3. solar00

    solar00 New Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    I usually lose to zealot/stalker/colossi/void ray
    MM does work against zealot/stalker but when he has colossi a dont stand a chance.
    Taking out colossi with vikings is no option because they're dead meat by the stalkers before they even reach the collossi .

    It was too late to run back to the base, rebuilding the army wasn't an option because I was unable to expand, every expansion was wiped out quickly by de VR's
  4. toochaos

    toochaos New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    key flaws in game play. you made not enought workers, i know people talk about this thing called saturation but its a myth more workers is better cause when you have expansion you can move half you workers over and not have to build so many more, always build workers. second you have 5 units producing structures which you cannot sustain. this is one cause you dont have enough workers and 2 because its to many. you built to gas fast at the cost of minerals for no reason early in the game. between time 8-12 you had no units being produced use your money.

    the composition of marine marauder medivac tank viking is way to much stuff which means you were thin on marines and marauders.

    his composition on the other hand was way crazier, cause you cant go voids collosus zealot stalker sent. cause then you have no core ( zealots stalker) he did it cause it was 30 min into the game and had 5 bases. which at that point in the game you should have a much larger army.

    the drop you tried was completely naked, in that you did nothing to draw his attention away from you doing a drop which you must do otherwise he will just kill it like he did.

    in summery build more scvs and always be building something from you unit producing structures. if you can make a marauder then make a marine from a tech lab rax it is actually ok to do that. and once you start doing that you will notice you can only sustain so many unit producing structures and still have just enough money left over to research or expand.

    Also there are two options for takeing out a collosus, if its close stim marauders in and kill it if its further back swing vikings around to the back and kill them ( dont move them through his stalkers) and you are not loseing to a composition your loseing because you dont have enough stuff. ( which goes the same for the other guy he really has very little meat but plenty of flair)

    also it you want to play with me i can play any race ok ( toss is my main and terran is my worst) im Toochaos 983
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  5. iNguyen

    iNguyen New Member

    Oct 17, 2010
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    you need stim pack asap you could have beat him easily a 2 drop ship with rines and rauders could have raped him fast. should have tried that
  6. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Toochaos is sort of right...

    - He out macroed the living hell out of you..period. That's why scouting is important. If you had a little force running around the map in the beggining or tried to contain him, or tried anything at all you could have prevented the first gold expo pretty easily. If you had scouted correctly you would have seen that he was sort of mass expanding around the map meaning his units would be slim meaning the chance of you being able to push with a group of Marines and Mauraders would have increased a LOT. What it also means is that you could have afforded to expand because you need to have an expo if your enemy is expoing...let alone 4 times and also having 2 golds. Sort of important. xD

    - I don't agree with TooChaos on the SCVs. Sure you can make a whole bunch of SCVs but comapred to him you had just as many as him. The difference however was the fact that he had more bases meaning he had a need for 20+ more workers than you bro. If you had expanded and kept pumping SCVs the way you were you would have been fine.

    - Break the destructible rocks. It only takes a few seconds with a large army and it greatly reduces the time it takes for an SCV to return resources to a command center.

    - You need to stop forgetting to make units when you are in a fight. The least you could do is queue up a few units before you send your units off to fight so that you have SOMETHING to either follow up with or defend with. In this case it wouldn't have made much of a difference but it's still important none the less.

    - Stop letting your cash get so high bro. In the first like 20 minutes it shouldn't be above 500 minerals except for in fights and such. And in the later part it shouldn't be much above 1000 minerals. You had 3k plus at one point or another. Pump out marines atleast, units are units, they all do their own part.

    - If you are going marines and mauraders get the marines shields so they have 55 health rather than 45.

    - Learn how to harass. I really don't think that guy was that great of a player and if you were harrassing him he'd probably have struggled a lot more rather than take control of the entire map. He had cannons at his the front. If you had dropped your vikings behind his minerl lines you could have really slowed him down by killing all of his workers.

    - When nuking up a cliff/ramp scan so that you can get vision of what's up on the cliff rather than having to go up in order to see what's there. Could have saved you a ghost. Also, don't forget emp. Could have lightened his attacks a lot. Large groups of Voids tend to glump together like all other air units. Remember that bro.

    I'm sure there's more but I'm sort of tired at the moment. Hope it helps.