After quite a long vacation it seems the King of Starcraft 2 forums is back with more exciting information about Starcraft 2 leading us into the Blizzcon Event. (1) Karune firsts makes a announcement of several new art changes without any screenshots though but it seems the Zealot among many has been redone and look "even more impressive" Source: (2) Next Karune reassures us that they are making more of a effort to bring us the most Epic Starcraft 2 Experience to date even down to the last Voice Actor. Source: (3) Karune even manages to show us a first look at community input as he promises to relay a balance tidbit to the development team, even if it was about the Critter problem they've been having. Question: Response: Source: (4) Next Karune addresses the troubling problem with finding Dustin Browder and him together at blizzcon for a photo. Along with the Promise of new information about Beta Keys. Question 1: Response 1: Question 2: Response 2: Question 3: Response 3: Source: (5) Following this is some new information about the prospect of 3rd Person views made possible by the Starcraft 2 Campaign editor. Question 1: Response 1: Question 2: Response 2: Source: (6) Finally Karune follows everything up with giving some advice on how to stay connected with all the latest Blizzcon related news, during the event. Along with his methods might i suggest you guys check out our Blizzcon 09 (Soon to be created, hopefully Section of the forum for new information during the onslaught its gonna be a exciting week next week!! Source: Hope you guys have had a incredible summer and i look forward to spending another year with you guys! Blizzcon is just around the corner and along with that im betting will get a beta if all goes right
oh damn thatd be epic. i cant wait to see what some skilled people make with that editor, that and to see what blizzard has waiting for us maybe some of these maps will be in the beta
I think it will be awesome to be a Marine and stand facing a Ultralisk or even a whole Zerg army coming rushing towards you. Or be a in a battle cruiser and look down on these puny little zerglings getting burned by the firebats (in single player).
Exciting news for Blizzcon 09, can't wait to see the new models for the Zealot and other few units as well.
Blizzard has created there own twitter sites for all three of there major franchises, Starcraft, Diablo, and Warcraft! Enjoy!