KaBoom! VS. Edition: Suggestions Thread

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by Imagine., Nov 9, 2009.

KaBoom! VS. Edition: Suggestions Thread

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by Imagine., Nov 9, 2009.

  1. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    I have started development (albeit slow) on the next map of the KaBoom! series. I would like to share what I have so far as well as take on some suggestions from others. In this map, there will be a total of four players participating in an explosive free for all grudge match. The one who can survive the longest obviously wins! However I am thinking of having two game types to choose from: Your classic "Death Match" and "King of the Hill" depending on how difficult it would be to implement.

    In the Death Match mode, each individual player starts off with 10 lives (could be more... don't know) and the purpose is to blow your opponents to smithereens. In King of the Hill, each player must find and locate a selected area in the arena and hold the hill for a specific amount of time. The variant makes the hill move position to other parts of the arena. But the longer you stay on the square, the more points you earn! The one with the most points garnered within 10 minutes wins!

    A new feature I will be adding to this map is the ability for each player to choose to bomb horizontally/vertically and/or diagonally.

    Horizontal/Vertical Bomb Diagram:
    - - - - - - - -
    O O O O O O O
    O O O O O O O
    O O O O O O O
    O O O O O O O
    O O O O O O O

    Diagonal Bomb Diagram:
    - - - - - - - -
    O O O O O O O
    O O O O O O O
    O O O O O O O
    O O O O O O O
    O O O O O O O

    There will also be a few items that will assist you in hindering your opponents! Once you touch an item, the item's effect takes place instantly so no more hoarding of cool items!

    So that's all I got for now... Let's hear what you have got to say!
  2. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Well, there are some obvious choices for effects that instantly affect everybody. What do you think of:

    • Take away shields from all players. (assuming you have those). Just your general damage stuff.
    • Slow everybody down. Another basic "spell". Makes it more easy to use those bombs.

    Now some more interesting stuff.
    • Have one that makes every player use a bomb at the same time.
    • Have one that spawns enemy Zerglings and such around all players. (spawn them burrowed, unburrow right away)
    • Have one that heals all players at the same time.

    So basically, always include a few things that can backfire at you, or affect enemy players in a good way.
  3. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    An item that randomly swaps the locations of all opponents, but doesn't move their screen?
    One that transforms you in to a Super Boomer, that you control for X seconds, exploding everything in Y radius, and that cannot be exploded?
    One that gives the player armor for one explosion?
  4. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    zerling idea is a good idea.
    why not spawning them randomly to make a wall when the probe come in front of them.
    they would change place every 15 second.

    We could have player setting traps that your probe could have to attack and destroy.

    As well after a certain time the game is played you could make a boss hard to kill or some random invincible hydra that would chase player.

    Random nukes could be a possibilite too.

    somes sunken colony could set a area impossible to build on until it's destroyed.
  5. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    The map will feature six items. I will make three with positive effects and three with negative effects. Some of your suggestions may be trashed and some may see the light of day. I will try to implement a virtual HP system into the game so that each Probe can take exactly 2 hits (2 HP) from explosions unless otherwise specified through the use of items.

    I have been thinking about giving each player energy that builds over time (or collected) to use special abilities! One ability would be to shoot a single missile toward the closest player that deals 1 damage. The other ability would be that each Probe can do a sort of melee attack that deals 1 damage as well as stopping projectiles before they hit their mark.

    Gun buddies sounds like a good idea. I just need to see what units would be best to use.

    I would take the use of the Sunken Colony from KaBoom! but the arena is a lot smaller. Here is how it looks like at the moment:

    Last edited: Nov 11, 2009
  6. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    I like how you use terrain to write stuff. ^^
  7. Moogle

    Moogle New Member

    Aug 22, 2007
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    Is it possible to add like Zig Zag explosions, Two explosions patterns seems very limited. Even could add a circle which its close range explosion for defensive move.