This is my new to the forums thread, as I have not really looked too much into SC2 (as I cant find anything), but I ask something simple. Okay, my main question is what is the deal with SC2 apparently being 3 different games or something? I will mainly play deathmatches with my friends online, so as far as that goes, will it matter which one? Will I have to pay $180? If so thats a rip off! I mean does each have different content, or does each have something that the other doesnt? I ask that not concerning anything about the story or campaign. And apparently there isnt any actual idea about the release date obviously, but does anyone have any idea whether it will at LEAST be sometime next year?
The three different games will only have different stories, the first one will have Terran, the second Zerg, and the final Protoss. The multiplayer will be included for all races for all of the versions, so if you get the Terran one when it comes out, you can still play Protoss on The release date, I don't know what to tell you.
the three game thing is for a better campaign, first game is the terran, then zerg, then toss. You dont require each game to be able to play online, just that you can only play with ppl with the same game. Each new game will have balance issues from the previous one fixed. Most ppl think the game will be out in November-December. EDIT: darkone beat me, curse you dark!
Thanks for the info guys. But you said each new game? So they will all be released at different times? But all in all, as far as the online goes, all the units and so on are the same for all 3?
They'll be released at different times. For online, I doubt they'll be the same, as the later games would likely have added units or balance things different since the second and third game replace the position of expansions for SC2.
Well thats dissappointing, because thats really stupid to pay an additional 100+ dollars for basically they same game. Unless they treat them as expansions, and charge about 20 dollars, then that is okay.
I believe Blizzard said the pricing would reflect the content adequately. What that means exactly and what blizzard deems the 'value' of their content to be is up in the air I suppose. I personally am expecting when the zerg game releases the price of the terran will fall from $50-55 to $35-40 (as it was suggested if im not mistaken they wanted to spend roughly 12 months working on each.) and the zerg campaign and the protoss following will match that price. essentially the people who want to play in the first 12 months of release will have to pay $10 extra. but that's just speculation on my part. Oh and the following versions should contain new units and other fixes as eon said. Which is a cute system as they can charge more for each expansion because it is the next step in the campaign that everyone wants to play. and the online players cant avoid paying the extra even if they dont want the expanded campaign content because they will want the new stuff available online. Its a beautiful if not devious marketing technique.
The 3 game situation I would say is Blizzard basicly guranteeing that there will be atleast 2 expansions to Sc2 (or Wings of Liberty which is the working title of the first one to come out). Until told otherwise I would treat them as expansions adding more story/new content/balancing fixes etc...While that may sound like a bit of a ripoff of buying the second and third games just to play up-to-date online, if Blizzard had said they were just releasing Sc2 and mentioned after its release about an expansion would you be calling foul or would you be looking forward to the new content?
it has been confirmed that the void and swarm stories introduce new multiplayer elements, and i doubt they would charge more then a normal expansion
i just want the game first. **** the other expansions/ story lines lets just get the first one boys and go from there!
Please note that these are mostly our estimations, as Blizzard really hasn't laid down anything particularly solid regarding this matter. There still remains the possibility that balance changes introduced by the "expansions" will be patched into the older versions, allowing for inter-version compatibility. At any rate, the versions will be sold at least a year apart from one another. If they do decide to split up the multiplayer by version, you'll have a year to save up that $50.
I just come to look at an old article that said that the 3 games will be splitted by one year in time. I was thinking that it could be something like 3 months, but it changes all my thinking about SC2. The fact is that with a so long period, there is no reason to sell the two last parts at small prize. I'm still asking me if I'll buy the first, wait the zergs or wait a box with the three, or don't buy it. I'm nearly sure to don't buy the first part, not before having seen what about the others parts. In three years will SC2 still at the top? That's so far for me.
Okay, I appreciate everything guys. One more thing I forgot to ask, any idea whether the online will still be free to play?
My best guess is its going to be like WoW minus the subscription fee. What I mean by that is that it will probably be free to do most things but with options to pay for certain things that could be helpful/useful the biggest thing that comes to mind would be if they make it possible to earn lots of achievements on accounts and other similar things they will likely give players the option to change there name for a fee.
They've said that anything you can do in the other games will be free. So, basically, you'll be getting what you're used to, however, there will be a few things on the side like changing servers and such that will cost extra. But, again, anything you had in StarCraft, WarCraft III, or Diablo 2 will be free. And, we have no reason to believe that Blizzard would lie to us
Well I’m all for paying a bit extra if it means a more rounded campaign experience. Too many good rts’s have a poor single player mode.
Does anyone know if accounts on Bnet 2.0 will be temporary? I never understood why Bnet accounts (at least on Starcraft) would be deleted after 3~months of disuse.
I think it's to give others a chance at getting their preferred name. If someone hasn't logged on for 3 months, he won't log on for quite a bit more, so it sounds logical to make the name free for taking again.
I think that should only happen if it's been three months and someone else registers that name. Until then it should be there until the person logs in again. Unless that puts a strain on Blizzard servers in which case I would support this so that remains free