Jim Raynor isn't Jim Raynor

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by Space Pirate Rojo, May 4, 2009.

Jim Raynor isn't Jim Raynor

  1. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    Yeah yeah he's miserable, likely his fleet is completely broke, and he started drinking.

    I have no feelings for Jimmy anymore.

    Get this scraggly wannabe biker out of here.

    I want the buzzcut marshal back.
  2. bralbers

    bralbers New Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    I think Blizzard made him that way because for 4 years mengsk has destroyed his name and Jim has gotten no where in his cause. So it's like he's depressed from everything not going right.
  3. Chax424

    Chax424 New Member

    Oct 21, 2007
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    I love JImmy. He'll be back, don't you worry. He was always a revolutionary, now he just looks like one too.
  4. Andro

    Andro New Member

    Apr 29, 2009
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    He's always Jim Raynor, he's just Jim Raynor at the butt end of life! Watching that first look at him in the SC2, I got the impression that ol' Jimmy isn't content with his tequila shots in the dive bar lifestyle and he'll get back into the action asap.

    Well--and there's the fact that the mission selection screen starts you hanging out with Jim Raynor, Matt Warner and Tychus Findley, with Jim Raynor in command of the spaceship. So you've nothing to be disappointed about!
  5. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Jim = Jim
    Raynor = Raynor

    Therefore; Jim Raynor = Jim Raynor

    But seriously, Raynor's looking up in StarCraft2. StarCraft1 Raynor, or Gaynor as he's more affectionately known, was a complete twat. Seriously, if that's the best America could come up with for the whole underdog, man-of-the-people type hero, they seriously had some problems. He was a totally unlikeable and egocentric whining pervert with less charisma than a public louse that's hit rock bottom.

    StarCraft2 Raynor, on the other hand, or Yaynor as he may soon become more affectionately known as but most likely won't, actually looks and acts like he's human. Hell, we might even believe he's human in StarCraft2 instead of realising that he's a trained actor chimp in a man costume who could only ever get a job playing extras in Godzilla and Spiderman 3. So I guess you could actually say that StarCraft2 Jim Raynor isn't StarCraft1 Jim Raynor any more, but you'd actually be talking about the best thing that ever happened to the StarCraft franchise.
  6. Fendi

    Fendi New Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Jimmy kinda lost in this new game because of event in the original starcraft. The lost of Kerrigan and Fenix. I always dislike the first few mission in the original starcraft until they reach to destroy the secondary defense of The Confederacy. I like my serious, straight forward and a leader Raynor. :)
  7. Flamingdts

    Flamingdts New Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    I don't like his new voice actor. Too much country in it to be honest.
  8. Fendi

    Fendi New Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Agree.... But Blizzard want to change the voice actor because of the character is already change their personality. But I want my old Calm and steady Jim Raynor Voice :)
  9. FuzzyKitten

    FuzzyKitten Guest

    His new characteristics do seem like a bit of a stretch from the ending of Brood War. The only thing that happened to Raynor in Brood War that would adversely affect his state of mind was the death of Fenix. And he didn't even know Fenix that long. And he's clearly over losing Kerrigan in StarCraft since he vowed to kill her. The worst things in Brood Wars happened to Artanis, Mengsk, and DuGaulle what with Kerrigan destroying each of their armies/fleets. Artanis went back to kind Zeratul and rebuild, Mengsk went back to rebuild, and DuGaulle killed himself as the rest of his fleet was hunted down and destroyed as they attempted to make it back to Earth. Raynor loses Kerrigan in StarCraft, whom he was quite possibly in love with, and he doesn't really change a whole lot except for his attitude towards Mengsk. Then his friend Fenix is killed in Brood War and we're supposed to accept that he goes completely off the deep end after this?
  10. bralbers

    bralbers New Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    I remember Blizzard saying at one of their Blizzcon events, while showing off SC2, they said that raynor is down on his luck because of mengsk destroying his name.
  11. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    I think for how things are going, his new persona fits. Everything that he has tried has failed horriblely, his only love is in command of the zerg, he is hunted by his own people, and has no real allies besides his followers. I think he qualifies for depression.

    Itzahexgor: leave Godzilla out of this, even they wouldn't have let that poor excuse for monkey into the worst G-film of all time. You disgust me by thinking so.
  12. Edruken

    Edruken Guest

    has anyone noticed the similiarities between Raynor and el Che Guevara (Our beloved commander), and between Artuctus and Fidel? Their kind of relationship after the Dominion came to power, etc, it´s almost the same, with some tweaks here and there, anyways I still prefer the Dominion in Starcraft, although it hasn´t been farring that well after the Brood War.

    Hasta siempre comandante!!!
  13. Novacute

    Novacute New Member

    Apr 29, 2009
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    I think Jim Raynor in SC2 is infact the original Jim Raynor. The only difference is that Blizzard has finally conceived a character that we all relate to one way or another. Unlike SC1, we are introduced to a maverick who's ultimately invincible in the face of the enemy, be it Terran or the vicious Zerg. In SC2 however, his weaknesses as a human is apparent. He starts to display reluctance and prehaps rely on alcohol to ease the mental burden of Kerrigan's loss and everything he has dealt with. Of course, i have no doubt in my mind that the Wings of Liberty will shape Raynor to the hero he once used to be, the courageous and daring Marshall of these quarters. Though i would prefer if they changed Jim Raynor's voice actor. The heavy-Texas American accent is disturbing. I don't want my hero sounding like a redneck.
  14. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    If he is going to be a marshall he has to be southern. its a rule for pete's sake. Somehow it just wouldn't fit if he was northern.
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  15. bralbers

    bralbers New Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    Raynor is form the outer limits as well. The way the books put it, people on the outer rim planets are kinda red neckish.
  16. I think Jimmy will come back. This is probably just a phase he is going through that the Blizzard loreguys set up for some interesting plot lines.

    Regardless, to me, he's actually a more interesting character because he has shown his weakness and his "dark" side.

    @FuzzyKitten: Replay the campaign. Plenty of crap happened to him that could easily put a normal real-life person in his current state. I think you've forgotten quite a few things.

    @ItzaHexGor: Exaggerate much? Again, as we've discussed before, I think because you're from an entirely different culture you're not as tolerant or as connected to the character. That's not really anyone's fault.

    ... And, Jim is definitely not a pervert ....

    A single line means nothing. But, even if it did, that's the normal male reaction to the women you feel you're going to fall in love with. Hell, it's normal in other circumstances too. Men are just that way. But, what's more is that sometimes people say that they "just know" when they first meet someone that they're going to fall in love with them. Jim Raynor probably felt this and, thus, he strongly attracted to her physically .
  17. Edruken

    Edruken Guest

    Who say´s he isn´t a perv? Lol, do you know him that deep? He probably is as perv as every other normal male, not adicted like some but reacts like a normal person when seeing a hot babe in a strech suit
  18. What I'm saying is that you're not perverted if it's a normal response. A perversion is something that isn't normal. For something to be a perversion, it must be a deviation from the perceived norm. Clearly, that's not what Jim Raynor is and it doesn't at all describe his thought.


    And, don't give me that crap about how I don't know Jim Raynor deeply. He's a damn character from a game. I know him as deeply as anyone who isn't a Blizzard loreguy.

    (Seriously, please use proper sentence structure and grammar. It makes it easier to understand what you're saying and serves to help people take you more seriously.)
  19. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    If anything, the culture that I come from would lead me to connect more with the character they tried to portray. Seriously, the Aussies are famous for supporting the underdog and stories and tales of the little battler taking on something huge is the lifeblood of our literature and current affair programs. 'The Castle' is the pinnacle of Aussie battler films, anlong with others such as 'The Dish', 'Breaker Morant', 'Gallipoli' and 'Kenny', though I haven't actually seen that yet, as well as the 'Crocodile Dundee' duology. Yes, duology, and if anyone tries to correct me they're looking for a kick in the teeth. It's also the centre of the ANZAC spirit, which every Australian holds dear, which is what the 'Gallipoli' film revolved around.

    So, no, it's not because we cannot identify with or connect to the character, but yes, it is a cultural thing. You see, yes, Raynor was meant to be the full underdog hero, etc, etc, as I mentioned before, but Raynor's voice actor, script writer and portrait renderer knew less about portraying all the above than I know about the socio-economic finances of central Madagascar. Seriously, this character is just about as well portrayed as such as a character who's meant to be the biggest hardcore badass ever but wears a cardigan and needs to get permission from his mum to leave the house.

    And you've honestly gotta be joking about the 'normal male reaction to the woman you feel you're going to fall in love with'. I mean, you do remember what she says in response, don't you? If her response to his supposedly 'normal male reaction' is to call him a pig, I don't see how his thoughts could really be thought of as anything but perverse, especially when she'd both be used to the normal thoughts of male company and that she doesn't react like that to anyone else she ever meets.

  20. That wasn't what I was referring to. In another thread some time ago, you said that you were not a fan of the "redneck" attributes of Jim Raynor and didn't like much of the Western influences. I am talking about this when I say that you're from a different culture and aren't as fond of it.

    Also, here's a little tidbit: Almost all women think that all men's sexual needs are perverse. It's been this way since the dawn of time. This has been expressed countless times in literature and art even to this day. In fact, I have been forced to go to many, many romantic commedies with my girlfriend and I've learned a few things about how women perceive men. There's just about only two cliche archetypes in these types of movies for male characters: the male who is open about his need for sex and freely admits that he uses women for his sexual desires; then, there's the other one, which is the male that tries to hide his sexual needs and pretends to be quite "feminine" in that they try to put up a front that they only think about the women's intelligence and personality while sex is the farthest thing from his mind. Throughout the course of the story, the latter character is always revealed to me just as "perverse" as the former. I just described to you almost every romantic comedy and "chick flick" ever put out. These types of movies are meant to be aimed towards women and it is a pretty decent example of how women think of men.

    Basically, your evidence for Raynor being a pervert is lacking since that's been proven time and time again to be a normal male reaction but evidence for women just not understanding men is .. well ... every-damn-where.