Link: Enjoy, Seradin
I kind of want the voice for Jim Raynor to return but I think he's a vastly different character and maybe his voice should reflect that. Kerrigan, however, shouldn't change because her voice didn't change when she got infested so I don't think anything should change it.. unless she evovled her voice.
All the speaking units in the SC1 in-game cutscenes had a somewhat distorted rough voice due to the nature of the space communications. I think this was obviously on purpose therefore, anyone who has a more or less similar voice like those voice actors can do the job. It's only a question of tweaking the sound a bit. For what I've heard till now in youtube, for example, is that Jim Raynor's voice doesn't match any near the voice on SC1. Doesn't have the sullist accent or something. Now its only a question of being more purist or not. Still it would definitly be cool in a production environment to call the original voice actors, 10 years after.
Kerigan should have the same voice actor. Raynor the same actor...but make the voice abit more horse and grunty since raynor became a heavy drinker and a bum.
I was definately considering this.. I wonder why Blizzard doesn't do this? They must think it's not the best direction.
Just looks at Kerrigans voice on the first zerg trailer. It sounded nothing like her, but on the second zeratul trailer she really made it sound just like she did 12 years ago.
They may also be dead, have moved out in some other places, and/or not willing in any way to do this kind of job anymore. A lot of things can change in your life in a decade. In my opinion the choice of the actor for the voice of Kerrigan is less important than the one for Raynor, because her voice will be heavily processed by filters to meet the story requirements ("evil", "infestation" etc).
Actually I really liked Raynor's SC1 voice. But I think a new voice would be good for him. Basically the same as the old one but like tack on 5 years to it. Make it a little harsher, more husky and battle worn. Because I'll be pissed if it's like totally different.
Two different people. Since the voice actor hasn't been confirmed to have change, Robert Clotworthy is the only "Jim Raynor voice" so when I say Jim Raynor's (Robert Clotworthy's) voice is returning, I mean just that.
Campbell should definitely stay as the voice of Kerrigan, no question. As for Raynor's voice, I agree with Ace - it should be the same voice actor, but make an effort to sound older and more jaded.
yeah...but for some reason...the face and voice of Jimmy in sc1 annoyed me "this is jimmy", "ohh yeah" DAMMIT JIMMY GET THE F*** OUT OF THE PORTRAIT BOX!!! LOLOLOL
All the old voice actors should return (if possible). It's the best thing we have to connect them to the characters they were in StarCraft.