better question how come in sc1 he had a uni brow and was bald. now he has a full head of hair and uni brow
^ he bought this zerg product called MUTATION, which helps his scalp grow back his natural hair.......... >.> <.<
@nhtherblast His entire appearance was basically retconned. Just look at Jim at the 35 second mark in this vid: [YOUTUBE]3V1PwpoDqzM[/YOUTUBE] And hey, same goes for almost every old character. Sarah's prettied up, Mengsk is very different and Zeratul has a different skin tone as well as green instead of orange eyes.
He wasn't bald; you can see what looks like a buzz cut in the unit portrait from SC:BW (don't see why he'd need to keep it trimmed when he was only a marshal though). In any case, it all comes down to graphical limitations. Personally I find individual Protoss the most striking in terms of updated appearance. the anatomy of that Artanis sprite from the BW mission select menu always bugged the hell out of me - arms that spindly should've plain fallen off from the weight of psionic blade gauntlets.
NITPICKING Artanis was a pilot and of the Templar Caste. He was the equivilant of a flying mage. No need to have beefy arms. Fenix, on the other hand, is fairly spindly, but in the cutscene, you can at least see the presence of some muscle.
templar caste includes the warriors as well you know. Fenix is also of the templar caste. Raynor never was bald. The portraits in starcraft 1 were just absolutely awful at times
Yeah, true. I guess the point I'm tryin to make is that Artanis never wore the gauntlets ingame or cutscenes
No, Artanis cut his tendrils sometime during the original story or just before brood war. Remember that you were artanis in the original game, so he was a High Templar old friend of Fenix before brood war. When I replayed brood war, I was like 'hey, when did I cut my hair?'
I'm just talking about Protoss in general. As you said, Fenix was also pretty spindly. Thankfully they've bulked up this time around.
I think a lot of the protoss looked more toned rather than spindly. And I think the reason he grew his hair out is because... Well. After your Protoss-bro is killed by the woman that you loved, who became infested because the man that promised you a brighter future betrayed her, I don't think you'd really take care of yourself. So booya no haircuts and excessive drinking.