When they "re-show" it. The first time, it looked almost like a lunar landscape (a bad thing as that wasn't what they were aiming at). There are some really nice New Folsom and Haven pictures as well Haven: Or if the image doesn't appear, link: http://sclegacy.com/features/blizzcon08/screenshots/PvTHaven2.jpg
most likely not, even if it rains on those planets, whose says that the rain is normal by our standards, it snows on pluto, but that snow is made of methane.
woot rain and shining rivers! ...my laptop graphics capability is screwed. I wonder if I would be able to play it with everything on minimum...
Nice pic with those evergreen trees! and shiny rivers too. and i never noticed the rain when i seen that pic
That rain doesn't look particularly "graphics-card-killing" to me. It looks like a fairly simple stream of random, downward moving lines. Now, if they're going to do stuff like wind and fog and snow flurries, all interacting with the units, then you might have to worry. But this? I doubt it. The game already does some fairly crazy stuff- you'd be surprised how complex "making things shiny" can be. I find it pretty hilarious that we, as a community, can look at a picture with a 60-foot-tall robot shooting a massive heat ray, and comment, "look, it's raining!"
Things like weather effects and shininess are new to us Blizzard fans Therefore, they BLOW OUR FREAKIN' MINDS!!!! 11!1
Barely.. and those are 2D sprites (lines?). I think you get my point, though Blizzard has never been up-to-date as far as hardware goes but their art-style more than makes up for it since I can still be in awe at the art of almost all of their games.