ok - I didn't want to make a thread but I posted in other threads yet no one really took notice. I'm trying to sign up for the beta, but they need for me to have 1 game registered. I have a legit battle cdkey in which I've installed Starcraft ages ago.... I don't have the cdkey written down and I cannot find it in the registry and none of the cdkey grabbers work for 1.16.1 , (all are for 1.16.0 and before) help! I've tried to look for a 'depatch' program, but all are pointing to http://www.starcraft.co.nz/StarCraft_1_15_3.zip which is down. I've googled a ton of times. Could someone help me please!! Much appreciated
Well - To defend myself, I've played Blizzard games since Warcraft and online with Warcraft II with KALI. I just haven't purchased WOW so technically, it's been years I purchased Warcraft III and it's lost somewhere at my old house. Anyways... completely irrelevant.. I got it to work!!! I guess you guys can delete this is whatever, but maybe there's someone out there who needs help finding starcraft brood war cd key on 1.16.1 Steps taken: 1. Revert to 1.15.3 Download this picture (follow instructions on picture, I know it's silly) http://i44.tinypic.com/4t1rte.jpg SOURCE (this isn't spyware) : http://www.teamfortress2fort.com/forums/t/Starcraft-18920.aspx 2. Save the photo to your computer, change the extension to .rar from .jpg 3. Back up your Starcraft directory 4. Extract all files from the .rar to your Starcraft Directory 5. Run SC, log into Bnet - it will tell you that you need to upgrade patch, Alt + tab now, don't press cancel or upgrade. 6. Run this program: http://www.bwhacks.com/forums/old-d...mber-grabber-1-16-0-source-code-included.html 7. Select 1.15.2 and press grab. Your cdkey should be displayed. 8. Close Starcraft, and delete the folder and rename your backup Starcraft folder to it's original "Starcraft" name. Tada! Your back on 1.16.1.