I haven't played SC in years and went on Youtube to see if I could watch a game or two for old times sake. Thats when i found this. Is this an actual strategy? It just seems so funny. I mean it worked, but it had me laughing the whole time. Maybe I'm noob, but this is the funniest game I've ever seen.
TY, It was very funny. I wish i understood what the commentators were saying. I could only image the crazy stuff that was being yelled.
This is actually quite an old strategy. It's called the SCV rush. I think the YouTube video was just slow and low quality, but that looked like a rather late one. Marines and SCVs is certainly a different approach to it. Tough to defend against. Requires an early sunken. But this video must be old, an SCV rush isn't usually very successful. But I have seen it done, mainly on the higher level gaming arenas. Koreans are insane.
" boxer, you crazy mofo.." ty for that second video, that is good stuff. I love this strategy. I have to try it. No matter how times I see it, i still find myself laughing....
Both those videos are lol to both of them though-Commentary dude: ZOMG HES BUILDING ANOTHER BARRACKS
yea, that first one with yellow is boxers best scv rush of all time. the one with nal ra is a close second. btw... u gotta see flash vs boxer. BEST GAME EVER. 0
While games like this are certainly impressive, I would NEVER want to play like that. I have no aspiration to play like that. What's the point? They've actually refined gameplay to the point that it defiles the game. Skillful? Yes. Fun? Not quite. I mean think about it. In most cases players like this never go above Tier 1. Sometimes you see Tier 2 and MAYBE the beginnings of Tier 3, but even these games aren't the "championships." Tournament winners ALWAYS finish the game within 4-5 minutes. What kind of Starcraft is that? BORING! Therefore, if you guys are looking for strategy refinement in the hopes of making your own gameplay better, I would suggest you watch more intermediate levels of play. They're still equally as impressive but the games last a little longer and give you some insight into correct strategies of play.
that's true, i haven't seen a game with battlecruisers in a while. carriers and ultralisks and defilers are quite frequent though.
Yes, I have to admit, this would suck to play like. Seriously, SCV and marines your only units? No thanks. It may not be fun but it is still funny as hell to watch... @ proswimma- I should have quoted that too.. hes rambling on about scouting the map clock vs. counter clock wise when suddenly he just starts yelling about it likes its the most amazing thing ever. Man are the pros funny....
I agree completely. I cannot STAND games where you win in the first five minutes. The longer a game is, the funner. StarCraft is meant to be a clash of massive armies smashing at each other in the middle of the arena. My favourite games times are attrition....Keep going and expanding and building more and more until the other guy just can't do it anymore. Then you brutally massacre him with your seven billion Zealots, Carriers, Dragoons, so on and so forth.
lol boxer has rush yellow so many times, once in a best of 5 games semifinal match he used the same bunker rush strategy 3 times to finish yellow inside 30 minutes. here's an extract from the commentator: "3 times in a row, Boxer bunker-rushed YellOw and finished off the Semi-finals in less than half an hour. His simple yet very strong rushes did not give YellOw a single chance to counteract. The games later caused a huge debate among Starcraft fans all over the internet about Boxer's TvZ imbalance. Personally my heart went for Yellow when I watched those VODs back in 2004, what you need to understand is how amazingly tough is the road to OSL semi-finals, both players had to beat so many top progamers in games to reach this far, and to end it so fast and decisive was too cruel. Look at Boxer's face after its all over- not even a smile, he knows exactly how much that hurt his rival and friend... but thats Boxer for you, fact is that no one else tries this kind of stuff in such important games that matter so much, Bunker rushes became insanely more 'popular' after this matchup. Manifesto from TL wrote about this matchup: "Maps dont matter, starting positions dont matter. It was all the same. Boxer rax, depot, 6 scv + 2 marine rush, Yellow 12 hatch evertime, gg x3. In only one game did Yellow even get a unit other than a drone, overlord, or zergling. The rush by Boxer was perfect. His timing was such that unless Yellow went pool first, there was no way he could stop this rush. Boxer said after he wanted to play an low economy control based game, but instead he just won."