Hello everyone. I recently bought starcraft 2 and i am experiencing following problems. My fps on ultra doesn't get higher than 25 on medium settings it hovers around 25-30 I am having following system msi gx640 ati mobility 5850 with ati catalyst 10.7 updated bios and drivers. 4Gb ram core i5 2.3Ghz. What is strange is that theoretically my computer should run this stuff on ultra high settings but even at 1 vs 1 my fps does not get higher than 40 on medium settings. any ideas what could be wrong?
Considering you have a mobility GPU, I would assume you have a laptop. If that's the case, do not expect it to run as well as its desktop counterpart: It won't. What OS are you using? Win7 64? (nevermind, i looked up your laptop. I just read the review of this machine on anandtech last week!? DOH) I guess you could try editing your variables.text (located in C:\Users\{username}\Documents\StarCraft II )and adding the lines: frameratecap=60 frameratecapGlue=30 Some people reported this improved their framerates during beta, but it is mainly used to stop your machine from overheating. The other info I found was in beta and seemed to effect people using naughty illigal copies, so I will not acknowledge that.
I've never actually checked the fps of my games, but I've never noticed lagging before.. and I have the laptop - an MSI GX640. I play on all Ultra settings as well. Never any issues whatsoever. The laptop is more than capable of playing SC2 at Ultra settings with no lag, so I'm going to say - No. That is Not normal FPS. There is something else causing it to run slower.
Power saving options? Are you running on battery or AC adapter? It's probable that the CPU isn't running full speed to save battery life.
I think @rui-no-onna hit the spot. Make sure you laptop's performance setting is set at full performance and you have an AC adapter in.
I would recommend Aerofoil for anyone using a laptop, gaming or what-not be damned, just install it! What this program does is turns of Aero (The shiny 3D Windows GUI) in Windows Vista/7. But it also changes the power profile automatically so you don't have to do it manually. You can set it to full power when plugged in, and power saver when unplugged. Easy to use and may help IF your power profile is the issue.