I just put my dog down not even 30 minutes ago, and I'm still all choked up. Anyway, I played a game of starcraft and ended up gettin all choked up. Forgot my mic wasn't set to push to talk and my partner heard me. He goes, are you crying dude? And I was like yeah, my bad. Just put my dog to sleep. And he loled at me. So I killed his base and left the game. Bad manners?
Yea man, I mean it sucks about your dog. Losing a friend is never easy. But the bottom line is that you backstabbed someone that had nothing to do with it, and ruined the game for him. Its def bad manners. sorry again about your pups, that sucks
Who cares about manners in a game with such real life things happening? Moreover, it was BM from him to lol... Word of advice, after such events it is best to avoid people (including over the net) to avoid making it worse.
Made me feel better actually. Stormed out to smoke reallllly butthurt and then started laughing bout me killing everything. lol
I wouldn't worry about it being BM. After his initial anger he probably lol'd even harder after that. Whatever social circles he travels in he's probably relating a tale now about some kid who was crying over his mic and then nerd raged when he lol'd. So if it made you feel better it probably worked out better for both parties. A much more interesting game to remember than it would have been in either case. Sorry to hear about your dog. It's never easy when you have to put them down. I had one go to cancer back in 2001.
If somebody laughed at me for something like that, I wouldn't feel the least bit bad for ruining his game.
Especially over the net. Everyone's fair game here. Anyway, I'm sorry about your dog OP. I've had three put down over the years. Thankfully they were all well past 10 years old, but it never gets any easier.
Yeah, my dog had Lymphoma or whatever. Came out as skin cancer. His hair fell out in a bunch of places, got a bunch of these nasty sores and scabs and **** and then in the last few days he went blind. Was sad to watch because this dog used to be a tank. Thick as hell and ran like the wind and in the end he just laid in a circle and growled if you got within a couple feet of him. But yeah, I thought about that. Waiting for that **** to pop up on youtube. Not to worried though, dude was pretty scrub. =P Rape him any day. Thanks for all the sorry bout your dog stuff guys.
Id Love to see the replay. So we can lol at the loler... Its ok, I regularly kill my allies if they are duce bags. even though ive only had to do it twice.
Actually for some reason when I play drunk I'm rediculously good at Starcraft. xD Used to do it regularly with a few friends back on broodwar and they were amazed how much better I got. We all figured it was because I wasn' tworrying about things and just building mass amounts of whatever.
I have a hard time believing anyone can play better when they are truly drunk (NOT defined legally, since that doesn't account for tolerance levels). You'd lose too much in terms of cognitive ability and dexterity/reflexes. That said, if you're having anxiety to the point that it exhibits either mentally or physically (e.g. shakes), then some alcohol can definitely help relax you a bit.
No no no, not like all screwed up. Just gets rid of the whole...should I build it or should I wait or should I do this or that or this or that. I'm not talking about completely blasted where I'm on the verge of blacking out and I swear it's the truth. Back in BW I was decent at melee but for some reason or another when I drank I was beast. Melee was easy but games that required things like quickness and dexterity like the game Snipers I screwed up horribly for obvious reasons. Everyone handles their boos differently. Some are happy drunks, some are angry, and some are gosu Starcraft drunks. xD