Like... the campaigns? Queen of Blades is the missions where Tassadar and Zeratul meet up, along with Raynor discovering Infested Kerrigan, then the three's alliance and escape from Char. Liberty's Crusade is pretty much the entire Terran campaign.
There's no one book that does so, but there are currently seven StarCraft novels and an archive, one e-book only story (found in the archive), one graphic novel and two short stories, not to mention several bonus campaigns (eg Loomings, Enslavers I and II), Stukov maps (Deception, Mercenaries II and Resurrection IV), licensed campaigns (Insurrection and Retribution, kind of lame and very hard to find) and an RPG. (Skip the RPG, it sucked.) The number is only getting bigger: one more novel this year, at least two novels and three graphic novels next year, and a comic starting sometime next year. You can find the basics at and then follow the links to read the individual sections, including overviews of each campaign.
WarCraft got a surge of books when World Of WarCraft came out and I bet StarCraft 2 will start getting much more books by the time StarCraft 2 comes out .... Same with Diablo III.
Only thing lacking here for Starcraft is "The Hunt for the Khaydarin Crystals" or "True Colors" like the episodes in Brood War. Something like that just to spice the Universe. There are few. But I haven't seen much. I'll start doing my part. Anime = Cartoon Manga = Comic Book The only difference is the language. People, however, do tend to associate Japanese cartoons as anime instead of what they are, but, in definition, they are the same thing. -- Also, graphics novel = comic book. The only difference is the (in terms of how people tend to use the phrase) is the length.