Is Star 2 fun for casual players?

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Ntfoemy, Jul 18, 2010.

Is Star 2 fun for casual players?

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Ntfoemy, Jul 18, 2010.

  1. Ntfoemy

    Ntfoemy Guest

    Hello, I've been a fan of the Starcraft game since it first came out but was never a really skilled or competitive player. I started playing the game when I was pretty young and impatient and used the super fun cheats to get through the story mode. I loved the storyline and liked the game with cheats. When Starcraft 2 was announced I brought out the gaem again and this time cleared the game without cheats. I still enjoyed it very much. I have never really been online for fear of getting completely dominated and my sucky skills shown to the world. So with all this in mind I ask any Beta-tester, Is Starcraft fun for the average player? I see the battle reports and read the reviews and everyone is a hardcore, skilled, and intelligent player. My problem is that I am not. I would just like to know if it's possible to play the game and have simple fun. Also do I still have the option of playing against some computer A.I.s in game like in the first one. Thank you to anyone who responds.
  2. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    No one is sure yet, because the campaign isn't out yet. What we have seen of the story thusfar has been pretty cool however.

    The beta is pretty much only player versus player, so we have little info.
  3. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    You WILL be able to play against A.I.

    I figure that with their match-making system, you will be able to enjoy playing against other players with your skill level.

    If you are looking for even more casual play, the Custom Maps/Mods will be a huge part of the game, just like the first one. Since you never really played online, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Go online and set the list to "Use Map Settings" games. That will introduce you to a whole new casual side of SC1. You can expect the same of SC2.
  4. superamazing

    superamazing New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    I'd say no, never. Even if you play with friends someone is always going to be better. This isn't like DotA where you can enjoy yourself and have fun while playing. This is man's country
  5. DarkCommander

    DarkCommander New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Hmm the sense of competition on on SC2 is pretty high in my opinion. Your choice. For my part I will try playing tournaments, play alot of ranked games because I like the concept of ladders, Leagues and divisions.
  6. Amduscias

    Amduscias New Member

    May 13, 2010
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    Yes, it is, but its beta, only. I guess when the time finally comes for SC2 to be released (1 1/2 weeks), there will be a lot more casual players online participating in the ladders.

    Still, you have the possibility to play against AI, since the start of betaphase 2 fully implemented.
  7. DarkCommander

    DarkCommander New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Very true mate... After the release I am sure alot more casual players will come. :cool:
  8. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Yes. StarCraft II has an automated matchmaking system, pitting you against players of your skill level. There's only one player per account, so no smurfing. You don't need to worry about being crushed by an esports fan on anymore.

    You still have the option of playing against the AI.
  9. sniper64

    sniper64 New Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Here is my opnion.

    When I was 10 years old, I put my hands on my 2nd RTS game, Starcraft: Brood War.

    I started up the game, playing the campaign, getting through it step by step, mouse clicking every unit and ability. It was so much fun not having to know what hot keys were, or what unit counters what. Hell, i'll just mass marines because i'm so good. I had a blast with the campaign, but being 10, my attention span is short. Hence multi player games started, I didn't have internet but what I did have, was a ton of fun trying to beat the insanely hard computer, who knew what the hell I was doing, even though he didn't even scout it (Damn AI, Starcraft 2 isn't like that though :) ).

    Now, I know I was 10, but hell did I have fun with that game, I didn't have to play hardcore melee maps, or understand it from the start.

    All i'm saying is you won't regret buying this game, and you don't have to play with other people unless your comfortable. Hell there is even different difficulty levels in the campaign and custom maps on B-Net.
  10. FFenix

    FFenix New Member

    Jun 16, 2009
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    Let's put it this way, the beta represents probably only the hardcore SC fans out there, so when the release is out, every player would probably be gold level or higher(promoted at least one league up) because there will be people much much worse than you(never played the game).

    Single player, UMS, multiplayer. It's gonna be awesome regardless of your skill level.
  11. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Well said. And I agree 100%.
    I consider my SC2 skill to be around the silver level. And I'm a long time SC2 player. I'll never reach the lofty platinum or better levels. Cause I'm just not good enough and I have no want to study SC2 micro/macro/apm to be that good. I just play for the fun of it. Fun + Lore Junkie is me. And I think SC2 will be great. And from what I hear there will be an easy and a hard mode for the single player campaign. So if you want to enjoy the story but are not a korean you can play the easier mode and still get your enjoyment out of SC2.

    And in the beta multiplayer I found even losing matches was fun. Yeah the only game I have played where you can have a quick multiplayer experience, loose but still have fun. I'm sure single player will be different but for the multiplayer that's the case for me.

    So in short I think SC2 like all Blizzard games cater for the Pro as well as the casual gamer. Mind you I think WoW is tending to be a little more toward the casual player these days. But If you don't like SC2 after you play it return it or sell it. But I'm 99% sure you'll love it so much that selling it will not even be an issue.