I was looking around some threads and ran into th e medivac in action and ive seen some matches on you tube too,. along that discussion one member stated that its ridiculous for terran to use healing beam hence they are the epitomy of science and technology, and fictional abilities are not on the manuals of terran fundamentals... It probably is one terran question to understand the theories of understanding psychic energy, and its magical properties... Im just wondering coz the protoss uses alot of abilities that are far from human reach, does that imply that those energies that the protoss are using are based on magic?? Telepathy, Telekinesis, Psychic abilities, - just some of standard protoss inborn trait that really separates itself from the facts of human knowledge. But some of those abilities are slightly inherited by a small percentage of terran existence,.. that small percentage proves to us that there are further wonders that we havent fully understand yet. Science is what makes the human world grow and wither at the same time,. The question here is 'Starcraft is science or magic? eventually we will discover that beyond ourselves but right now,... Im sticking to fantasy!! Have you got faith in your belief... what if we are in the matrix?? lol Whats your thought on Starcraft science and magic... which is which
I'd say it's a hybrid theory. It's complete magic, as in fantasy, but they try to back it up with science and truths. I reckon it's similar for Terran as well, being complete science and truths, but backed up with magic and fantasy. With Terran, people always need some reason why or how the ability works. Even if the scientific or truthful reason doesn't actually make sense, it still holds, because it's backed up by magic and fantasy. Conversely, people hardly need any reasons for why or how the Protoss abilities work. Even though a lot are still technologically based, they don't need to be backed up with many sciences or truths, so still focus on magic and fantasy.
I think the Terran should get the medic back and get rid of the medivac dropship for the dropship. I guess I would be magic their kahala power powers their suits not energies they get from a kahala batterires. Telekentis would also come from magic, who every heard of telekentic ear plugs or a internal telepathic brain devices.
it's simple fantasy, magic indicates a more complex system, but in starcraft the abilities mainly have to do with the energy that the mind has access to. So its fantasy, but to call it magic is a bit too much
Hybrid. Protoss psionic powers could be classified as fantasy but their entire science is based on it. Stuff like the Dark Templar are even more fantasy style.
Fantacy and science fiction i guess fantacy: who has kahala power how do they use it, just saying they can do it just becuse they were made to do it isn't a right answer Science Fiction: that have to make suits that can be use kahala power from them and their ships they can't just be made with wood, stones and mud.
So where does the zerg stand??? the truth of course.. its just plain organic evolution at an over exeeding normal rate (which is kinda magical!)... The medivac sure is one weird unit to send out healing beams or whatever that ray of light is.. one possibility though is that future terrans suits are partially made of organic material, therefore having medics on the field is a good tactic, but then again that just complicates the medic, as the general purpose of a person in medical field is to treat injuries and prevent them... they didnt said anything about using a welding rod to close those open seals in the terran armor, and that reason might be what made them think to get those medics out of picture and make somthing else scientifically logical...
Hmmmm, I think a hybrid. Fantasy for the impossible things such as Protoss Mind Powers, and science for the Terran abilities and units etc. The Zerg are fantasy since the overmind and cerebrates are impossible, since no organic creature would be able to telepathically communicate with another organic being..Lol, I sound like a scientist *giggles*.
Hybrid, but with a heavy fantasy masked with technology except it isn't applicable to the Zerg, the latter part only. Terran: The most covered up by science, but with Zerg, Protoss, and even their own Ghosts running around now, there's no way they can deny something otherworldly is lurking around any longer, and that occurred the very first few missions of the Terran campaign in Starcraft 1. Zerg: C'mon. Telepathic hivemind. Protoss: A magical worship, surrounded and spread by their own technology.
As for Zerg, I'd say their abilities are almost exclusively natural, as in things like Broodling, Dark Swarm, Plague, Burrow and their evolutions, etc, and only for the sake of the plot do they need to have the ability to control Warp Space, fly in vacuums, etc. It depends on what you count as 'Zerg magic'. They're definitely purely magical in the fact that they have this control over Warp Space, but their in-game abilities are purely natural. That's what I don't like any of the abilities like Transfusion and stuff. They just don't fit in with being natural.
StarCraft is by no means a hard sci-fi, but nonetheless it's all sci-fi. The game is a sci-fi game. So unless you guys can prove that some of this stuff is not possible scientifically, it's sci-fi, not any of your warcraft magic or whatever. Psionics can be explained by having the ability to manipulate higher dimensions or just any ability where the mind or a machine can draw and use latent energy. And since we know nothing about how that really works, there's no reason it should be called fantasy when the game is a sci-fi.
I thoguht that psionics was just another form of energy, thus making it realistic and sci-fi. This would make sense considering the khaydarin crystals, which hold a source of psionic ENERGY STARCRAFT FTW! IT IS THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!! and yea sci-fi too ^^
StarCraft: The truth and the way to life! No, but seriously, there are definitely somethings that are far beyond "truth" as we know it in StarCraft. It's impossible to conclude accurately whether or not many of these things are possible or impossible because that would mean we would have infinite knowledge and technology. For example, go back even a hundred years ago and explain to them video games and the internet. They'll think you're crazy. But, we all know that the internet is possible. So, I agree with both Aedus1160 and ItzaHexGor ... I know that's not very helpful
Its all purly sci-fi and remeber the protoss where enhanced to evolve. Telsa power is far from un-real and you can look at it in the same terms of the way pylons work The protoss get their power and energy from the sun or radiation plants do it cloaking technology is not far from human reach, infact scientists can already do it with microwaves and working on energy waves in the form of light telepathy (Greek τηλε, tele meaning "distant" and πάθεια, patheia meaning "to be affected by" isent far off either and can be made in terms of waves of energy which have a person think in a certian way the technology of a protoss is in its form what we go by in the world of sci-fi and also some things where simply made for the game but in real life may be different because of the impractical uses of things that exist. Evolution for the zerg is not "magic either" and all evolution is simple the adaptation of a organism to its enviorment and has no set time in which it takes to turn infact things are evolveing every day its just very very slowly. The overmind is not unreal either i meen look at how big creatures where when dinosaurs where alive. The overminds way of control is not unlike what other animals live such as bees its just a bit different (hell bugs could be doing it now and we haven"t discovered it yet) Saying this stuff is magic is the same talk of people that lived thousands of years ago when they thought the sun or a eathquake was "magic" because most of their science is explained with technology anyways.
I would have to say that the Protoss' abilities are purely technological and science-fiction based. I say this for one reason, because the Protoss have received a majority of their knowledge from the Xel'naga. ("Pushing the evolution of the protoss, the xel'naga eventually descended to Aiur. The protoss, who revered the xel'naga as gods, learned much from them.") source:http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Protoss That would imply that it is technological since for fantasy abilities you do not necessarily need to know the science or properties to use them. Starcraft is also a science fiction based work as well. Even the Protoss "psi" abilites can be linked to science fiction and technological bases.