Is anyone else outraged at the pricing for this game?

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by MagnetiCube, Jul 29, 2010.

Is anyone else outraged at the pricing for this game?

  1. MagnetiCube

    MagnetiCube Guest

    Just this third of the game alone is priced at $60. Nearly every other PC game is priced at $50. Just a mere $10 is not too much for one game, but that's not all. Legacy of the Void and Heart of the Swarm will later be released. Now, since most of us already bought Wings of Liberty (I haven't yet), which included not only the Terran campaign, but also multiplayer support AND a superb map editor, wouldn't it make sense to charge less for Void and Swarm? Possibly a discount at $40? Maybe $30? Not according to the new Blizzard. They're charging us $60 for every third of this game, bringing the total price to $180. Again, that's $180 for just one game. The older model Xbox 360s only cost $150. Blizzard is charging more for just one game than Microsoft is charging for a whole console. Blizzard has become perhaps the greediest company in the industry. With the insane pricetag, Blizzard will undoubtedly lose more money from so many customers who cannot afford the game than they would if they just cut the price.
  2. sniper64

    sniper64 New Member

    May 13, 2009
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    1. It is not one game
    2. How dare you compare Xbox to Starcraft 2 ( You still have to buy the games my friend)
    3. If Blizzard thinks it's to expensive and they will lose money, they will change it

    The reason I say it isn't one game is because they are more than just expansions, there are completely new stories, characters, units, and game play within each one.
  3. kikaku

    kikaku New Member

    Jul 26, 2010
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    It's better than playing a monthly fee to play in my opinion. They could have only charged $40, then make you pay $15 a month. F that. I'd gladly pay a bit more up front.

    Guild Wars worked the same way. Their games were $60, but you didn't have to pay a monthly fee.
  4. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    It's not just that... if you played SC2, cube, you'd know why it's $60. It's not 10 missions, but 26. That's 2.6 times the amount of a generic campaign. Secondly, the map editor allows everyone to play any game that has so far been released, and even create completely new ones.

    Every person who is outraged by this price tag clearly doesn't see the potential in SC2 as a whole. Or they have yet to move from mummy and realise that most things have a price.
  5. MagnetiCube

    MagnetiCube Guest

    There exist other games that offer loads of free user made games, and for an initial price of less than $60. Half Life 2 is an example of this. What does it cost, $20? With that $20, you not only get Half Life 2, but countless community-made mods and addons. SC2 may be one of the greatest games ever made, but nothing can justify the huge pricetag.
  6. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Well here are a few points I would like to share:

    1. One-third of this game (if you consider WoL to be a third) has way more content then many many full games + expansion packs.

    2. If you divide the price per the amount of time you play the game. So you get a $ per hour you'll see how this game is very value for money. Most good games have 40 hours of content. And at $100 (in Australia) that is $250 per hour of entertainment you get from the game. But from SC2 it's $100 or $150 (in Australia) but I'm sure you'll get years out of the game. So it's $ value per hour of entertainment would be so low it's a bargain.

    3. The quality of the content in this game is amazing. So each our spent playing this is a really good hour. Unlike some other games where the time spent playing them is frustrating to say the least.

    4. $100 is the same price as any new TV console game (Wii, PS3, Xbox) and good PC game. So the price I think is rather fair.

    5. Well the expansions for SC2 are no different than the ones for say WoW or any other game. The only difference here is they will announce the number of expansions up front. No one complained that Vanilla WoW was only one quarter of a game. Cause soon the 3rd expansion will be released. WoL is a whole game in itself. And HotS and LotV will be their own games in their own right too just linked to the other 2.

    My point here? Is that the original post is just a troll who does not understand SC2 at all.
  7. TerranBanker

    TerranBanker New Member

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Obviously Cube is not a gamer... nor a starcraft player... nor much of a numbers guy!!
    Without getting to the details cause I feel I'll lose you pretty fast, there is a thing called supply and demand in our economy! When you sell 800 000 copies of anything before it is officially in stores def proves there is huge demand!! Supply is driven by cost and cost is a result of ressources put into making this game... Considering the last edition of Stracraft came out 12 years ago and that SC2 has been in the works for at least 5 years, I think that Blizzard is probably not quite making money yet on this gig(def will by the end of the trilogy!!) Summarry: Demand exceeds supply so price goes up!!

    Secondly, assuming you were a true starcraft player, although this is nearly impossible, you would've had time to save up for this game for years, again with numbers... after all I am a Banker!!

    60$ since they announced SC2 (let's put that at 4 years ago)
    15$ a year or
    4 cents a day (365 days) or
    .75 cents an hour (given a 50 week year 40 hours a week)
    .0833% of your salary (given a 9$/hr job...and no raise for 4 yrs...sounds plausible to me!!)

    So I'm gonna take a risk, maybe you won't have clue who I'm talking about but like Einstein said: Everything is relative!!

    You know what, don't buy the game, you don't deserve it.

    Peace out

  8. Archangelclk

    Archangelclk New Member

    Jul 12, 2010
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    it can be pricey but the gameplay and online experience is unbeatable, no monthly fees, thats unlimited bnet subsciption. It does add up but consider the time it took them to put it together and the value comparison of other games which are not as epic.
  9. Carrigan

    Carrigan Guest

    I can kinda see where the OP is coming from.

    For example, can my friend buy LotV and play online with/against me without buying WoL, if so then they are separate games, therefore deserving of their price-tag. HOWEVER, if said friend requires WoL in order to play LotV, then it is not a full stand alone game and should be priced at an expansion rate.

    That said, in NZ, WoL is the same price as any other new release games, and accounting for inflation it's the same price as Half Life 2 when it was released also. I think SC2 is appropriately priced, and great value for money.
  10. funk3ymonk

    funk3ymonk Guest

    I'll Simply Say Starcraft 2 Is Worth Every Penny. :yes:
  11. Guille

    Guille Guest

    This topic is hilarious, StarCraft2 is not taxes and no one is forced to purchase it. If you don't like the price then you don't need to pay for it. Wait for a sale or rebate offer (KMart). If you're a StarCraft nut and have been waiting 10 years in anticipation then you can scrape together the extra $10 premium.
  12. teraformer

    teraformer New Member

    Jan 10, 2009
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    Blizzard has to pay the people who worked on the game somehow.
  13. MagnetiCube

    MagnetiCube Guest

    The supply and demand argument is void when this game is available via digital distribution. There is no shortage of supply, and there never will be. The main reason everyone is buying SC2 is because of hype. Blizzard could charge $100 and still make millions due to this being possibly one of the most hyped games yet. As I have learned in the past, nothing can live up to this amount of hype. I haven't played the game, so I don't know, maybe it does live up to it. Be that as it may, it is still just a video game. No video game is worth $60. Then another $60. And $60 more after that. And how ever much Blizzard decides to charge for Premium maps.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2010
  14. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Something is worth as much as people want to pay for it. And if people want to (and did) pay $60US for it then it's worth that much to people. And if you don't want to pay that price for it then don't buy it. There is no one forcing you to pay that price for it. But then you will miss out on the game.

    And you talk about hype. Blizzard and Apple are 2 companies that come to mind that have a lot of hype associated with their products. Mind you their products are known to be best in their respective fields of the IT industry. So it's like anything really. You have to sell a bad product but a good product sells itself. Blizzard are just letting the people know SC2 is out there and the quality of the product speaks for itself.

    And about blizzard making money. SC2 cost $100 million US to make (if you include 2.0). At $60US a game that is 1.666 million SC2 standard boxes they have to sell to break even. I don't include collectors editions here cause the extra $40US for that is already covered by the cost of the CE loot. And 1.666 million boxes sold world wide for a game of this magnitude I think is very doable.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  15. rui-no-onna

    rui-no-onna Member

    May 24, 2010
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    Nah, SC2 didn't cost $100M, WoW did (check the retraction on WSJ website). I agree about the price being what people are willing to pay. I spend more money on things that offer me less enjoyment. While I do have some gripes about SC2, price isn't one of them.
  16. Bun-Bun

    Bun-Bun New Member

    Jul 31, 2010
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    I am outraged by the price simply by the fact the game requires online activation in order to play single player. Plus reactivation once every 30 days. The price combined with that fact is outrageous.

    The fact alone that I can not resell the game should mean its at least $20 less. The fact I am being treated like a criminal means the game shoudl be free.
  17. peterius

    peterius New Member

    Jul 30, 2010
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    I don't have any complaint about the 60 instead of 50. Its a game that a lot of people have been looking forward to, so the price is high and Blizzard wants to make a lot of money.

    What I do have a complaint about is even the mention of a monthly fee with regard to an RTS game.

    RTS games should NEVER EVER have monthly fees. I think its immoral. MMORPGs justify monthly fees by the high bandwidth demands on the hosts. RTSs DO NOT. That Blizzard has a subscription plan for people in Korea, Russia, Brazil, etc., is a crime, and we as gamers have to make sure that bull doesn't happen in the US.
  18. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    I love hearing the complaints about the total price of $180.

    If you can't pay 180 bucks over two or three years, you should probably move up in the world from... what? Collecting bottles and cans?
  19. Bun-Bun

    Bun-Bun New Member

    Jul 31, 2010
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    Yeah it's this whole blizz classifying it as an MMO thing. It's the same reason behind the online activations. You didn't pay for the game, you paid for the account just like wow. It's stupid and complete BS. It is so they can move to a subscription model which is dumb. The day they do that I quit gaming.
  20. PhantomFF

    PhantomFF New Member

    Jul 18, 2007
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    If they charge 60 dollars for both the next expansions I'll still be spending the 100 dollars for the collectors. The game is just that good...its sad that online politics have been messing with such a good game..especially given that almost every grievence people have against the game have a simple explanation that requires 5 minutes of reasearch to solve.