i dont know if everyone knows about this, but i found out a new irradiate strategy against zerg. if the zerg player has a bunch of eggs out, and if he is producing scourge or zerglings, if you irradiate one egg, irradiate will affect both zerglings that come out. just cool i guess, thought id post it to see if anyone else knows bout it.
um irradiate cost energy and it's not your playing some UMS which one spot recharges your energy so you go off spamming the skill? If your playing melee i think it's better to irradiate a lurker or something?
Yeah.. that could work but only if zerg have their base completely undefended.. otherwise you'll be gunned down by scourges or spore colonies
If you do it to a drone right before it starts to make a building, it will be covered in a cloud of it as it is morphing into the building. It's pointless to do it to them, but if you are the zerg player, it'll save you a few minerals by not having to make the drone again. You'd be best Irradiating a lurker with the SV, or some other big annoying unit, like dev's, guard's, or ultra's. Otherwise, it is just a waste of energy and time, and you have the potential of not seeing what they are sending to kill you SV or flanking you with when you're just screwing around to burn an egg with radiation.
If the drone is about to morph to a building right near units, will the cloud affect the units? Not really useful, a cool glitch thing for a trip map maybe.
Well you can always actually Irridiate your OWN Science Vessels and run them over units. Its very effective as: -Zerg usually don't have anti-air, except during the mutaling part of the game. -It allows the spell to last for the entire duration -All units near it get affected, not just the one moved away.