Ion Cannoner and reaper's new weapon. (artwork)

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, Dec 4, 2007.

Ion Cannoner and reaper's new weapon. (artwork)

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, Dec 4, 2007.

  1. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    check this out.

    haha. well here are the things to discuss.

    1. the reapers weapon- i really dont like the current pistols simply because sc is sci fi and set in the far future. pisotls? there are more powerful, practical, light, effective raiding weapons than the pistols. i really dont know yet whta my weapon will be like, an electric pulse gun, an energy beam that can pass through enemies. my weapon IMO looks cooler and badass for the reaper. blizzard should change the pistols and add something innovative and futuristic like weapon fro the reaper like mine to give them more personality.

    2. yes the terran ion cannoner or maybe rocket launcher - well i gave him a semi light suit because it would be unffiting if he had a suit of a marine and carries something that big. anyway my canon or rocket launcher actually needs some sniping and should be bigger than the marine's gun. upgrade for marines?

    3. battlecruiser - did i get the correct size? 8)

    4. vikings and thor's feet / legs - i think the mech in sc2 particularly the thor should have a robot like legs not the usual mech where their legs are not straight (like the zealots). 2400+ years in the future i think they are about in the right time to make a mech with straight like legs.and i think the thor should look not that wide but rather tall like my concept at least in the starcraft lore and universe (cinematic ^^).

    5. give the terran some cool looking flag in game.. (warhammer style).

    6. cobra - no comment. if they remodel it it should still hover. and people always compare the cobra to the vulture which is wrong. cobras are not small and not that fast as the cobra, cobra's are light to medium tank capable of taking down armored unit so they are way bigger than the vulture.

    7. the firebat. 8)

    8. did i mention the reapers with new weapons 8)

    hope you liked my fanart. 8)
  2. Dinoxe

    Dinoxe New Member

    Dec 3, 2007
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    Re: Terran Ion Cannoner plus reaper's new weapon.

    1.Well... i changed my mind, pistols are good, cost effective, lightweight, little maintenance and i would much rather have a gun that works then one that is flashy and doesn't work

    2.The rocket launcher/cannon should be an upgrade to individual marines(I think this was mentioned in a different post, but I don't remember who said it to quote them on it) that way you could balance out the launchers and normal marines

    3. I think the battlecruiser should be a bit bigger, since it is the capital ship of the Terran which means it should be the biggest ship on the field

    4.I like that the Thor and viking have the mech legs, because they are mechs and should stay with the non straight, bulky legs it seems to make them look sturdier and more powerful to me but idk about everyone else

    5.The Terran do need some kind of flag, but Raynor shouldn't have the same flag as Mengsk, Raynors needs to be something that shows strength and his alliance with the protoss. and Mengks needs to be a symbol of his dictatorship

    6.I had no idea that the cobra was bigger than the vulture but i would like it to have some kind of mine, or useable trap

    7.I don't like that the firebat is a tier 2 unit or that it has been moved to the factory because i can't really see how it would be used but I'm not sure what the zerg are going to have making the firebat tier 2 means that the Terran don't have any tier 1 melee unit to counter the zerglings and zealots, which could be a huge disadvantage
  3. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Re: Terran Ion Cannoner plus reaper's new weapon.

    Now for round 2.

    1. I hate your idea for a new weapon for the Reaper. Repers are meant to be fast and agile they are not heavy infantry. They dont big gun and they definetly shouldnt have any laser weaponry. There is a reason the Terran's dont have any laser weaponry besides the Battlecruiser and the Wraith. Laser weaponry requires a ton of energy, way more than it would take for a railgun. It just wouldnt be cost effective try and minaturize the power cells needed for those kind of weapons, when they can just give there cannon fodder rail guns with similar effect.

    2. Eh It could be a viable unit but I like Dinoxe's comment of just giving marines the chance to upgrade to a rocket/gernade launcher. Also again no energy weapons.

    3. The Battlecruiser does look a little small, look at the BW intro cinematic for a good size refernce.

    4. Absolutely not. The Thor and Viking should not have straight legs. Terran mechs are not adpet or balanced. They are big ol mechs with as much armor and guns as can fit on em. They rely on their weight and massive, bulky legs to stay stable, thus the legs are not straight.

    5. I have no comment on this topic.

    6. Again no comment.

    7. Not much to say here, if what I am looking at is the Firebat then it looks fine.

    8. Do I have to repeat myself?

    As far as fanart goes its good. As for some of your ideas well, I dissagree and thats obvious.
  4. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Re: Ion Cannoner plus reaper's new weapon. (artwork)

    it works and obviously more effective than the pistols. and it does not mean it is big it is also heavy. NO! my weapon for the reaper is NOT compose of thick metals it looks big because there is a big vacant hole on it where that attack will come from.

    yah i also like the idea. maybe 50 100 gas per marine and will have a long cooldown per attack. anyway im saving this for the UED if they wont want it. =p

    it is big and it is way back on the background and if you look closely up on the hill the marine and thor is tiny compared to the battlecruiser.

    i dont know... but i like at least the thor to have a robot like legs.

    warhammer is just cool with the flag. =p

    hhmm... just enjoy or hate the artwork. no need to talk about the firebats issues. hehe
  5. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Re: Ion Cannoner plus reaper's new weapon. (artwork)

    not laser but maybe something else. =p and it is NOT that heavy.

    haha. actually my bc looks bigger than the bc in BW cinematics.

    not even at least the thor? =\

    i think the firebat should be change to a real mech instead.

    yes. haha.



    ok im going to add something. what if in the first place blizzard made something else than the pistols for the reapers? will you (people) complain? will a dual pistols comes to your mind and suggest it is the thing for them? i dont think so.

    yes i know the reapers are a raiding party hits fast and run fast but definetely there are other weapons that can also do this already invented or not. i really think blizz gave them pistols because they think it looks badass (not really) and terran has always been like that, nostalgic (only BULLETS for terran infatries concept). like i said a million times there are a lot of weapons that can also be less costeffective, lighter, powerful, smaller, PRACTICAL too etc...and MORE BADASS than the pistols and can be easily inserted to the lore (so theres no need to say that pistols are like this and that and your idea is this and that; for example it is not practical or terran cant afford it, guess what they have a freakin thor!). just create something NEW blizzard. electric, plasma, rail, pulse, fire, bullets that stick to the target and explodes, the possibilities are endless.

    lets be OPEN... its does not mean that blizzard made pistols for the reaper and all other alternative is wrong . i hope you understand what im saying. so lets just imagine if the reaper had a different weapon... it would really be great. lorewise? no problem most (unrealistic scifi) weapon can ALSO be inserted in starcraft. it would SUCK if not. =p

    IMO futuristic pistols is just not gonna work in futuristic science fiction. im sure of it and starcraft 3 will prove it. BUT it would be better if the pistols are OUT now, because its about time, now now now not after 10- 50 years after starcraft 2 events. unrealtournament 3 has great set of weapons yet they are far behind in starcraft settings. sc 2500 and UT3 is like only 2200. so maybe just steal them if it is tiring to invent something else in which i am not. =p
  6. stat

    stat New Member

    Jun 17, 2007
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    i like the reaper to have a different weapon. i think your weapon for the reaper is good enough than the dual pistols. nice artwork by the way. power UUPPP.
  7. DarkTemplol

    DarkTemplol New Member

    Nov 23, 2007
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    I like the Reapers weapons. Theyr'e cool, I don't know why anyone would want to change them. They overflow with badass-edness.
  8. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Ok Zeratul first stop comparing SC to other games/books timelines for technology. There are a dozen reasons why this is a bad line thinking besides the obvious they are different universes coming out of different peoples minds. But just for the sake of it (even though I dont know much of the lore so dont go correcting me) the Terrans could have had another world war on Earth causing technology to stagnate and the supercarriers that went off course could have been sent only shortly after the war so technology hadnt advanced much. Also you have to remeber the supercarriers crash landed and these carriers were full of misfits so its douptful they would have very many people who could reverse engineer the tchnology and even then that process would take a long time so in effect the Terrans had major setbacks in their technological advancement. (This not lore or canon [atleast that im aware of] just a possible explanation why the Terrans arnt as technologicly advanced by comparrison to some other stories)

    As far as the Reaper goes, personally I liked them from the moment I saw them in the Protss gameplay video (before they had the D-8 mines). I thought these new raiders were awsome with their jetpacks and dual pistols (which are a smaller form of the marines railgun). Just the thought of sending 30 of them to attack my enemy from the side while my main force knocked on the front door makes me only want SC2 more. In general the Terrans arnt flashy or agile or precise their line of thought is simple, slap as much armor as you can onto a unit, give it as much firepower as you can (note firepower as in kinetic weapons not percision weapons like snipers/lasers) and ram it right down you adversaries throat.

    Bottom line is I like the Reapers how they are with their dual pistols and jetpacks. I dont think they need to change. That also goes with the Thor as well. The Terrans dont use a scalpel to cut their enemies heart out, they take a freaking warhammer and run em through. (Imagine that visualization for a second :p WC3 dwarves ftw)
  9. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    ok forget the terran lore for minute (terran are not advance etc). like i said giving a terran an electric pulse, ice blaster, nitro launcher, etc will easily be put to the lore. i think it has something to do with blizzard being simple and nostalgic about the terran. terran is NOT poor, im sure they can invent something more than pistols.. so giving the reaper something else is just a matter of taste and dont include lore on this and making reason like that reapers can't be armed with this and that.. because they (reaper) can have any weapons imaginable its just unfortunate blizz gave them pistols which is not really satisfactory IMO for this cool unit. just imagine them with something else... like my in my artwork. there a lot of nicer and destructive and not precise weapons than pistols.

    in other words im not contended coz there should be more to the reaper than just pistols..
  10. Dinoxe

    Dinoxe New Member

    Dec 3, 2007
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    There is more to the reaper then just the pistols, they have the jumppacks and the bomb charges they can use on buildings the reaper is a base raider and is supposed to be cheap thats why they have the pistols. the reaper is fine there is no need for change. The terran are advanced but why waste your money on easily replaceable units when you could rather use it on something important like the Thor, Tanks, BC's, ghosts, vikings, etc.
  11. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    just to make them look POWERFULL (reaper, terran and sc2 as a whole, and make the reaper more cooler badass and better than the current one. period. why limit them to adequate satisfactory. it should be uver. xp