In the interview, Tester talks about how terran will become unbeatable when the good sc1 players come to SC2 and gives some tips on how to counter void rays.
"A lot of players have been complaining that Terran is underpowered, but the people playing them are just a bunch of chobos." LOL. Very nice. So you're telling me that an SC1 pro who admittedly hasn't played very much recently, and doesn't actually play Terran (except sparingly in SC2 apparently to experiment) has now forecast that Terran is OP. Hilarious. I wouldn't cover this (news-wise) with a tarp. We've known how to counter Void Rays since the beta released, thank you. Can't handle Marines and requires a Viking as a chase unit. Durh. Thanks. Go play SC1. By the way, both of these players, Tester and Artosis, play Protoss. I don't know that I trust players from the race with the most mechanics in the game to tell me how good Terran is. T > Z > P > T Still the same way as it was in SC1. Minor changes are needed but I've yet to see the fruition of the crying that goes on about Terran. Marauders are still hard-countered by Immortals. Why the long face?
Whoops for some reason I thought this guy was a big deal, didn't realize he wasn't terran player. Pretty new to SC in general and i'm only familiar with a few guys like flash/jaedong/boxer, i just assumed this guy knew what he was talking about b/c he was korean haha.
Not your fault. Good post. It's more Artosis' fault for not saying that before the interview. "Hey guys, this is Artosis. I'm here with a guy doesn't know squat about Terran play who says they're OP. Okay, go!" Oh, wait, yeah that doesn't make it sound like as awesome of an interview as before... damn. Don't get me wrong, for all intents and purposes the guy could be 100% right. But I doubt it. Protoss by far has the most powerful mechanics and it's the other two races who are catching up. I doubt intense micro is going to bring Terran to an unbeatable point.
well, latest blizz stats seem to show in TvP, terrans are losing 46-54. of course, this includes all the low-level bronze matches and stuff, but i doubt blizz will let any balance issues remain for long. balance would probably happen even faster than in SC1 because of an already established pro gaming scene for SC2, unlike SC1 where it took years for more interesting strategies to be worked out.
"Not many people play terran" OK, that's BS. Even when I'm not terran, there's usually at least one other person playing them. I've had a few matches where all 4 players are terran. I know artosis is a good player, but I lost some respect for him for calling terran players chobos. In TvP, my most feared unit is the void ray, because if they use the cliffs properly, my rines cant engage them properly and i need either turrets or vikings to chase them off. Also, I personally don''t like going air, I much prefer having ground warfare.
Ehm, in that interview, did they not say it were only gold and platinum players that were counted? Am not sure, but that is how i remember it. I see void rays as banshees. Can be absolutely devastating when used right, but each race have counters to it.
If they call Terran overpowered, why dont they play Terran themself? Especially Artosis who used to be one of the best SC 1 Terran players...
i saw a youtube vid where a terran player who has played SC2 only 5 times called Crota beat a protoss player called Scowarr within 10 minutes by just using marauders, hellions, and one medivac dropship. . . . so yeah, idk. and yes blizz will balance these classes out, it's going to be very imbalanced at the beginning, and everyone will play the race that gives them the most wins but keep in mind, it took 12-15 patches in the original SC to finally balance that game out, so i think we should all be patient, blizz hasnt failed us. . .ever.
That units combination is deedly vs ground since they compliment each other. Hellions own the hell of Zealots ,especielly after + extra 10 damagav vs light upgrade and support from Marauders slow,and Maruaders are strong vs Stalkers, escpecilly with stimpacks an Medivacs healing them. However, the Terran player is wide open to air attacks and is perhaps the reason why Marines+Marauders+Medivacs are more common.. Terran has also severel interesting units like Banshees. Banshees are also deedly in groups if enemy has not countered them correctly.
I love Banshees, you attack with your main force, then at the same time you go after his workers with Banshees. I've played like 21 games with terran and won 11. That is mostly because I am not that good player.