i wanted to make a list with internet expressions and where they come from(you dont have to explain the meaning, they are mostly random) THIS IS ........... !!!!!! comes from the movie 300, where some spartan guy answers the sentence "this is madness" with THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!! A POWER LEVEL OF OVER NINE-THOUSAND, comes from Dragonball Z, when goku faces vegeta for the first time, and vegeta sees Goku's power level
Yes, AYB is from a bad translation of the japanese game Zero Wing. You can see it here. This topic is a great idea
omg lol wtf nub u pwnd me ####ing cqmper lol u haxorz kgg norethx Good old CS days, whole claims and replies full of stupid acronyms... And then WC3, a bit more developed. _hi _hi _lets go rush k? _sure _I go hunts, units? _I go mass frosties _*has left the game* _(to all) omg nub team
"lets go rush k" ? That's almost like a full sentence! I rarely see anything beyond "rush?" or just naming units you go for "me hunts, u?"
lol = laugh out loud; in most cases its used as a verb. "i cant stop lolling!" lmao = laughing my a$$ off rofl = rolling on floor laughing fofl = an alternate to rofl; fell on floor laughing additionally you can do combos like roflmao and etc PWND: spoken as "pawned" which someone says when a person witnesses or shows dominance and when s/he commits "ownage". OWNAGE/OWND: when one shows pure dominance by killing/beating another person/unit.
You forgot to add the most populair one: omg. Also known to be in combinations like omgwtfffsrofllol. I personally hate to encounter those things, except for when they are used in topics like spam land or something. They destroy the english language and... ah wtf do I care. lol. How about leet-speak? There are actually all sorts of "rules" and stuff like that for the correct use of the most messy language ever. :wacko: Take a look at this page for a quite good summary. It's just to much to just copy/paste it. (it would almost be spammy, another one of those terms)
And to stop talking about weird abbreviations for now, how about words that wouldn't even exist without the internet? Things like: "can you google that for me?"
Portal. There's also Leeroy Jenkins from World of WarCraft, if it hasn't already been said. (It was all a set up! )
The ORLY and YARLY owls, gotta love 'em. in ur base killin' ur dudez is a very useful phrase in all manner of games which pit one group of units against another
in CS: 'Go Go Go!' 'Roger that!' 'Affirmative' 'Roger that!' 'Roger that!' the good ole' days............
I think halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything! Originated on 4Chan, in /vg/, or Video Games. Some moron decided to post his thoughts on the Master Chief, and thus, the meme was born. Now applicable to almost any subject, though not guaranteed for Lulz, unless executed properly. The formula is as follows. I think _____ is a pretty cool guy. Eh ____ ______ and doesnt afraid of anything!
There's also the 'skinning a bear should aggro every bears' which came from some post on the WoW forum.