Hi all, Long time player of Starcraft here and a long time fan of Blizzard, though I mostly stuck to mods in the original Starcraft because I wasn't very good at the competitive game. I'm totally looking forward to Starcraft 2, and the trailers and previews totally won me over. That said, I'm interested in creating a fansite in anticipation of Starcraft 2. I'm pretty decent at web design and I've got the server and software already available for a fansite to be developed on. I've also got plenty of web development and fansite experience, being the guy who created HellgateGuru way back in 2005. Would it be of interest to any of you guys to start a new fansite for SC2?
Few? LOL Anyway. Welcome to the forums, Sol. However, if I were you, I wouldn't go into the trouble of making yet another SC2 fansite. Even if it's top notch, you probably wouldn't get as many members as would be needed for you to carry on, seeing as how the field of SC2 fansites is already pretty cramped.