Installation Stuck

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by neilalwayswins, Sep 21, 2010.

Installation Stuck

  1. Hello the name is Neil and I am having a very annoying problem with the SC2: WoL installation. For some reason when I try to install from the disk it stops at 88%. I can't figure out why let it run for an hour and it was still stuck. Can someone help me I want to play the game... :D
  2. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Corry PA USA
    I apologize for the long wait for a response. I've had some personal issues I had to clear up.

    Please read the "Starcraft 2 Installation Error Code 5" thread that is sticked to this forum and try the stuff inside to see if you can install. If not, try downloading the game client from Blizzard and installing (removing the disc from the drive when you install!!!).

    If all that fails, post a dxdiag and we'll try to figure something out.

    To run dxdiag=> Windows_logo_key+r, dxdiag. If you have 64-bit windows, click the button at the button that says "Run 64-bit DxDiag," Then save all the data by clicking "Save All Information..." zip/rar the text file and attach it to the post. Instructions on how to zip here. To create a rar file, first download and install winRAR then read this guide here.