Close your eyes, Open your ears. Listen hard, now; There's naught to fear. You hear that sound? From all around? It's the universe, dear. The universe is screaming, But don't you panic. Those who do... Become manic. She is in great pain, Her will is starting to drain, The universe and her mechanics. We of this time, We shall be aged. We will keep living, But the future is caged. Trapped in this death, To feel the last breath, Of a dying universe enraged.
...rap? It's a poem. I guess you could try rapping it. Some of us ARE feminine enough to hate rapping and love poetry.
Begining sounds almost exactly like this: I sense shenanagins... which I can't spell.
Ha, yeah, I assumed as much, but just reading yours brought that song to mind It's pretty good though, I'm guessing Ijffdrie is an inspiring individual haha