So this thread will be about all the insane starcraft theories you can think of. The only rule is that your theory might make some sense in some way at all ever. This thread was inspired by one of arzgoth's threads which got derailed by me and Fenix yelling WarHammer 40K stuff, and the WMG on tvtropes. Basically, as long as it makes any sense, post it. Try to keep the spoilers between spoiler tags. The original warcraft/starcraft is related to warhammer/warhammer 40K theory
In the entire history of starcraft, over ten years of games and novels, have we ever heard of a protoss child? That's because there are no children of course! I you see it it's so simple. The protoss don't have children at all. The Xel'Naga removed that liability when they enhanced the race. How would the protoss be pure of form if they have to grow into it after all? No, the truth is that protoss barely change during their life. They come into existence as adults, and die as adults. The amount of change due to age is so small that even one of the oldest, most senile protoss, Raszagal, was perfectly clear in the head, a good fighter and capable of leading her tribe. The answer is that protoss simply pop into existance, in areas near a nexus. The nexus taps into the cosmic psionic energies, forming a new protoss mind. Then, using the protoss matter configuration technology, they form a protoss body around the floating mind. Yes, you can imagine a gross sound comes with the forming of a body. *plop*
I imagine more of a 'schlorp' personally. Though that does make sense, as they lack even vestigial... organs.
Na, not really. You know how when a 'lot dies, his psionic essence escapes in a fiery burst? That, except backwards.
that sounds more like someones throat suddenly getting filled with live eels with microphones in their teeth.