Hi all... it's a little shameful of a post but I can't beat insane ai with a straight tactic(I can cannon rush or something but you don't train your macro or mid-game that way)... I'm a bronze level protoss player with a little terran knowledge too and next to 0 zerg skill. My APM is quite low still as I'm still forgetting stuff to do. I'm also playing from my gf's laptop with those tiny little mice and a crappy mousepad so that makes my gameplay a little off too, but I don't consider it considerable to cost me so many losses. Maybe one loss here or there, but I played like 15 games against the AI today and won 0 of them... So with excuses gone here's my problem: The computer gets an enormous army very early in the game(always around the 6-8min mark they have ~10-12marauders, 10-12 marines and a couple medvacs to pit against my 3-4 sentries 1-2 immortals, 1-2 stalkers). In the past few games I even stopped scouting to maximise my income with that probe as I always knew about what to expect... Anyone not bored enough to watch the replays and suggest a few stuff I could have done better? Usually when the big attack comes and I see my army decimated I stop macroing and just watch the ai slaughter me before quitting so my minerals are quite high at the end, but I do try to keep them relatively low throughout the game... if you're not bored to watch the replays, give me some tips plz, would be quite appreciated! Thanks!
I think it might be best not to do vs ai because you don't learn too much. But an easy way to get the achievement is to fly off to an island on one of the other maps. You should really not play vs ai because you will pick up alot of bad habits.
It's good for practicing your macro either way. Just don't get used to its predictability, if you ever plan to go online. And if you wish to practice micro, there's always the challenges. That's a good place to start for such skills.
I'm on a trip visiting my gf, and play a little sc when she's at work on her laptop. I don't have a laptop myself and playing with a mouse so tiny that I have to hold with the tips of my fingers is a little uncomfortable, so that's why I decided to play against ai instead. Normal and hard AI are quite easy to beat and don't do enough early pressure and I wanted to have some early pressure to distract me from my macro so that I can keep it up while defending and issuing other orders. Thing is that the amount of troops it sends is so insane that I cannot find a reasonable way to counter them and it made me pissed off over it so now I just want to beat the insane AI in a conventional way(I can cannon rush or bunker rush or 6pool it np, but what's the point in that other than refining the rush a little bit?) and I can't. I've noticed mistakes here and there, and tbh it's been quite helpful doing this thing 15 times over, like I noticed I got supply blocked here or there for a few seconds(once even for a whole pylon's build time) and those seconds counted against me and stockpiled resources, but I couldn't find any major flaws at least for my skill level. Can anyone tell me if it's the strategy I'm using wrong, and what should I change there, or if it's the macro that lacks and where should I focus next time?