Input not supported when starting up Starcraft 2

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by titopei, Aug 3, 2010.

Input not supported when starting up Starcraft 2

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by titopei, Aug 3, 2010.

  1. titopei

    titopei Guest

    I recieved starcraft 2 collectors edition since the beta ran pretty well on my system. When I start it up, I am greeted with a black screen with a box in the middle saying 'Input not Supported'
    My system specs:
    Windows XP SP3
    1 GB RAM
    AMD Athlon 64 fx-53
    Nvidea 6800 GT
    HP w19 monitor

    Thats all I know about my system and hope it helps.
  2. Makeahole

    Makeahole New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    It's your monitor, it's currently set to a higher resolution then the game will support. Lower your resolution and see if it doesn't help.
  3. titopei

    titopei Guest

    How can I change the settings out of game? I already tried doing "-width 800 height 600" or "-windowed", is there any other way?
  4. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    You have the old variables.txt from beta? Could try popping that into the retail to force your old settings.
  5. titopei

    titopei Guest

    Sadly, I formatted that drve and replaced it with a larger one.
  6. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    First, try installing your monitors driver. This will give Windows clear boundaries of what your monitor can and can't do. HP w19 LCD driver. Drivers are a bit old, but you can prob force install them if you have too (or check Windows Update for an optional driver for your monitor).

    If that fails, then try finding/adding these lines:


    This will put SC2 in its lowest resolution and refresh rate. After you get into the game, you can adjust things to how you want them.
  7. titopei

    titopei Guest

    Thanks TheXev, that really helped.
  8. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Awesome. Glad to hear it.
  9. bruiser

    bruiser Guest

    Same Problem?

    My error says "Input Signal out of Range" but may be a similar cause. I found another forum about this problem that suggested including Display information from the DirectX Diagnostic tool.

    Here's what I get from that:
    Name: Intel G33/G31 Express Chipsest Family
    Type: GMA 3100
    Memory 286MB
    Current 1440x900 (32 bit) (60 Hz)
    Monitor: Generic PnP Monitor

    Main Driver: igdumd64.dll
    Version 7.14.0010.1409
    Date 5/5/08
    DDI 9Ex

    DirectDraw enabled
    Direct3D enabled
    AGP Texture enabled
    No problems found

    My monitor is an old Lenovo L192 Wide TFT, Type/Model 6920-AB1

    Does that information help? You may be unsurprised to find that this is the first computer game I've bought in nearly ten years, but I was an SC / WC2 addict back in the late 90s.

    EDIT - I guess I should add the plea: help please? I'm not sure what to 'do' with the width/height auto-set instructions above. Thanks in advance for any advice.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2010
  10. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Click here to download drivers for your monitor. Use Internet Explorer or FireFox and navigate to the Intel Driver Update Utility page. Your video driver is outdated, and this tool can tell you what other Intel drivers on your system may be outdated.

    To try that line out, you need to open variables.txt which can be found in C:\Users\{YourUserName}\Documents\StarCraft II

    Look for the current value of height= and width=, you may have to add refreshrate=. Once you have changed that, SC2 will start in its lowest supported resolution, and you can change the video to be whatever you want.
  11. bruiser

    bruiser Guest

    Input Signal (Still) Out of Range

    I've updated the graphics driver from intel. I've downloaded the monitor driver from Lenovo, but as far as I can tell it looks like it's the same as the old monitor driver, not that I'm qualified to tell the difference.

    The Lenovo link you sent eventually took me to some weird device doctor website, not to a Lenovo/IBM website. The install program looked fishy, so I googled it myself and came up with this Lenovo link - looks like not updated since Jan '07. I downloaded anyway just to be sure.

    Those two things didn't help, so I tried changing h/w and added the refreshrate line. Still doesn't work, although at least now when I alt-tab out my cursor looks like a SC cursor for a moment. After opening SC2 I clicked back to check the variables file and it had reverted to its old #s and the refreshrate line was gone.

    I re-edited the variables folder, saved multiple times, and re-opened to make sure the changes were in there. Re-opened SC2, same problem. Re-checked variables.txt and it had again reverted to old #s.

    Any help please? I really appreciate your help thus far. Sorry I'm not a more advanced user on this end.
  12. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    right click on varables.txt after editing it, select properties...
    change it to "read only"
  13. bruiser

    bruiser Guest

    This worked. Thank you so much.