Info on short Protoss Campaign in WoL

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by RHStag, Dec 23, 2009.

Info on short Protoss Campaign in WoL

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by RHStag, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. RHStag

    RHStag New Member

    Mar 28, 2009
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    Xordiah on the Protoss mini-Campaign in WoL:

    I won't go into details, since we don't give out information on the campaign of StarCraft 2, but I can confirm that there will be a Protoss mini-campaign that lets you control Protoss units. This part of the campaign mode is of course way shorter than the Terran part, but it is very fun to have a very different playstyle to add even more variety to the game. I am sure every Protoss fan will love this part of the Campaign!

    That being said, the Protoss mini-campaign will not prepare you for the multiplayer as Protoss, you won't be using all units or getting to know buildings and upgrades. In general, even for Terran, it is not the objective of the singleplayer to show how to play the game effectively, it is to tell a story and do a lot of fun things, that would not be possible in multiplayer. The Challenges, mini-missions, that ask you to complete a very specific task, are more suited to give players the opportunity to learn how to use the units and how to play the game.


    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    This is a good news. I am not a Protoss player, but adding some missions as a Protoss player in a game supposed to get only Terran missions is also good. That will prevent us from beeing disgusted by the Terran.
    Will there be also some Zerg missions ?

    What in Legacy of the Void ? So will we have to play some Terran missions ? Or Zerg missions ?
    What in Heart of the Swarm ? So will we have to play some Protoss missions ? Or Terran missions ?
  3. DeckardLee

    DeckardLee Guest

  4. RHStag

    RHStag New Member

    Mar 28, 2009
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    Some new info:

    Just to clarify, this is not a separate campaign set apart from the Terran campaign. These are missions in the campaign where you play as Protoss.

    Source: B-net fora.

    I wonder what this means for the length of the campaign. They've told us the campaign would have about 29 missions, are the Protoss missions included here or do you get 29 + the Protoss missions..?